Health care a prescription for poverty: doctor

The idea of doctors and other health-care providers as advocates is absolutely essential if we want to see a true end to poverty as a public health issue. Dr. Gary Bloch

Dr. Gary Blochs prescription for better health social assistance, housing subsidies and help filing taxes.

When the Toronto-based doctor established his family practice, he found there were patients whose health conditions would not improve despite receiving the right drugs, tests and examinations.

That common denominator that came out really seemed to be the fact that they were struggling with their income, said Bloch. They just couldnt afford to survive properly in our society.

He began incorporating discussions on income into his practice and providing patients with direct links to social assistance programs. His clinic now has an employee dedicated to providing income security support.

Bloch argues for the role physicians can play in improving health through reducing poverty both within their practices and by advocating for large-scale changes to things like minimum wage and social assistance.

Its a concept hell share through a series of events in Vancouver this week hosted by the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition. The message is especially important within B.C., which has the highest poverty rate in Canada, says Trish Garner of the coalition.

Aiyanas Ormond, a spokesman for the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, agrees there are definite links between health and income.

If youre a doctor working on the Downtown Eastside, if youre not blind, then you recognize that poverty is at the roots of a lot of ill health people have, he said. Thats definitely an area where I would support health workers to take on a strong advocacy role.

The development of Vancouvers InSite program was a successful alliance between patients and physicians, who fought together for harm reduction and safer conditions for drug users, he says.

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Health care a prescription for poverty: doctor

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