Freedom Township Trustee News – The Weekly Villager

Freedom Twp. 2021 exited quietly for most of Freedom Township including the Trustees. The meeting scheduled for December 30th was canceled for health reasons. Fortunately the first meeting of 2022 went on as planned. Newly elected Trustees Tom Mesaros and Charlene Walker (pictured) attended their inaugural meeting on January 6th.

The first meeting of 2022 was called to order by Trustee Jeff Derthick at 7:00 p.m. Present were Trustees Charlene Walker, Tom Mesaros and Jeff Derthick. Also attending were Fiscal Officer Jennifer Derthick, Road Supervisor Tony Vansteenberg and Zoning Inspector Linda Chartier. The first order of business was to hold the organization meeting for the new year. During this process the trustees select their chair and vice-chair for the coming year as well as set rates for town hall/community center fees, nominate representatives for various boards and confirm holidays/vacations and sick days for employees. In addition the compensation for Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals members is set. The trustee board chairman for 2022 will be Mr. Derthick and Mrs. Walker will serve as vice-chairman. The special meeting adjourned at 7:16 immediately followed by the regular meeting called to order by Mr. Derthick.

The minutes for the December 2, 2021 meeting were approved. The Zoning Inspector Linda Chartier recapped the permits, notice of violations and cleared violations issued during 2021. The Board of Zoning Appeals did not meet in December.

In the course of the zoning report Ms. Chartier stated the address belonging to Dukes K9 Dash and Splash is still in violation of township zoning. Mr. Derthick stated that at this time Mrs. Filler is in compliance per the direction of the County Prosecutors office. If at a future date Mrs. Filler changes the use of her property she will need to seek approval of the Zoning Board. At the conclusion of the zoning report and period for public questions, Trustee Walker made a motion for the immediate dismissal of the current zoning inspector. The motion passed. An ad will be placed in the Villager and the Record Courier. Also an advertisement will be placed for alternates for the Zoning Commissions and the Board of Zoning Appeals.

The trustees then broke for an executive session with the township solicitor. Upon the return of the trustees a motion was made to return to regular session. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Walker.

The meeting continued with the road report and inventory report given by Road Supervisor Tony Vansteenberg. Mr. Vansteenberg requested $900 to replace the disc on the boom mower and $120 to replace the garage lighting with newer LED lighting. He also stated he would like to continue the cleanup of the township service area with the rental of a dumpster for $340. This fee covered a 14 day rental. Mr. Derthick requested a motion to have the County Engineer prepare and submit a grant application to the Ohio Works Commission for the replacement of the Asbury Road culvert. The motion was made and passed. He also mentioned the trustees should have new information regarding the Hankee Road ODOT grant in February.

Under unfinished business; the County Regional Planning Commission will be preparing bids to bring the ADA ramp and parking spaces at the Township hall and ADA parking at the schoolhouse into compliance. The monies to pay for these projects will come from the existing CBDG grant money of approximately $24,000 and remainder will come from AARP funds. Unfinished business continued with a discussion regarding the construction of an auxiliary pole barn building with a shed roof addition for the schoolhouse. The building will be used for storage and cover for picnic tables used for school groups. Mr. Derthick requested a motion for a budget not to exceed $17,200 be made a available for the project with provision the board of directors of obtain quotes for the project. Mrs. Walker motioned. Mr. Mesaros seconded. Motion passed.

In other business; the State Route 700 park will be closed for the winter season and the portable toilet will be removed. The park will remain closed until spring weather permits reopening. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for January 20th at 7:00 p.m.

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Freedom Township Trustee News - The Weekly Villager

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