DNA key to resolving decades-old criminal cases, both defense, prosecution find

Yesterday at 10:16 PM It can clear a suspect or secure a conviction, as it did last week in Maine's oldest cold-case homicide.

By DOUG HARLOW Morning Sentinel

SKOWHEGAN - When physical evidence in the 32-year-old murder case against Jay Mercier seemed to bog down in court last month with tire tracks and old photographs, the state still had one trick left up its prosecutorial sleeve: DNA.

Rita St. Peter

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Jay Mercier


The past decade has seen great advances in a powerful criminal justice tool: deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA.

DNA can be used to identify criminals with incredible accuracy when biological evidence exists. By the same token, DNA can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes.

In all, DNA technology is increasingly vital to ensuring accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system.

Read this article:
DNA key to resolving decades-old criminal cases, both defense, prosecution find

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