6 Health Benefits of Spirulina – Science Times

Microalgaehave become essential to both marine ecosystems and human health. For years, medical experts have extracted components from microalgaeto create supplements since they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and numerous other benefits.

According to AmikamBar-Gil, the cofounderof Yemoja, 'Microalgaeare sunlight-driven, single-celledfactories, and by nature highly resilient. They also are a powerful source of natural, vegan, bioactiveingredients.' Yemojahas created a next-genplatform for creating 'pure, sustainable microalgae-derived products of the highest quality, and that can be naturally adapted into any desired matrix.'

One type of microalgaesuperfoodthat's become increasingly popular is spirulina, a blue-greenalgae that normally comes in the form of a dietary supplement as a dried powder. Here are six benefits of spirulina:

(Photo : Screenshot From pxhere official website )

The 'marine super crop' is rich with nutrition, containing vitamins A, B-6, C, and K. Dried spirulina, which can be easily added to food and beverages, is also rich in potassium, protein, sodium, magnesium, iron, and calcium.

A small amount of spirulinapowder contains a lot of nutrition with low calories. Regularly adding some powder to the diet can help people consume fewer calories without losing needed nutrition. A studyfrom 2016 showed that regular consumption of spirulinacan help improve body mass index (BMI)

Maintaining a healthy gut affects several areas of the body, such as the immune system fighting infections, the flow of hormones to and from the brain, and overall well-being. Although many studies are in favor of probiotics, it is not recommended for people with gastric conditions.

Spirulinais a great alternative to help maintain or improve gut health. The microalgaecan be easily digested and help preserve healthy bacteria in the body, making it a prebiotic.

Like all other superfoods, spirulinais rich in antioxidants, particularly the protein phycocyaninwhich helps protect the liver while getting rid of free radicals from damaged nerve cells.

During one study, spirulinaproved to help people recover from oral submucousfibrosis (OSMF), or precancerous lesions in the mouth. Another study showed that people regularly consuming the algae improved OSMFsymptoms more effectively than pentoxifylline, a drug used to treat the condition.

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People with allergic rhinitis suffer from numerous triggers such as dust, pollution, animal hair, second-handsmoke, and pollen. With severe allergies, people commonly take an antihistamine.

Spirulinais a great organic alternative that helps reduce inflammation on the nasal passageway. A studyfrom 2008 revealed that daily consumption of two grams of powder significantly reduced allergies.

The high-nutritionprofile of spirulinahas a positive effect on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Consuming the microalgaehelps lower low-densitylipoproteincholesterol(bad cholesterol) while increasing high-densitylipoproteins(good cholesterol).

With regulated glucose and blood pressure levels, spirulinacan help reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Read Also: Scientists Find That Gut Bacteria Can Improve Memory in Yet Another Breakthrough Study About Probiotics

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6 Health Benefits of Spirulina - Science Times

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