Liquid metal antenna – demo – Video

Liquid metal antenna - demo
Cambridge Consultants #39; proprietary liquid metal antenna technology allows medical implants to be tuned and optimized after they have been implanted in the patient. Using a liquid, rather than solid antenna, implants can be dynamically adjusted to take account of the specific physiology of an individual patient. Today #39;s implants are forced to use a #39;best guess #39; approach, optimizing for generic and often inaccurate patient models. Further, as a patient #39;s physiology (ie weight) changes, the tunable implant can be adjusted as needed, delivering optimum performance without the need for any further surgery. The same technology can be used during the device development process to explore optimum device placement while simultaneously reducing development time and cost by as much as 4 months.From:CamConsultantsViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:20More inScience Technology

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Liquid metal antenna - demo - Video

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