5K Run for Your Life

The Student Health Advocacy Committee's 7th annual 5K Run for Your Life at the University of Arizona is quickly approaching. On Saturday April 6th, in addition to running for a great cause, there will be free t-shirts and food, music and tons of cool prizes!

Here are some of the details:
To Register: http://rfyl.arizona.edu

What: A 5K fun run and walk- there will be food, drinks, a DJ, raffles, and prizes! FREE t-shirts for anyone participating!

Where: University of Arizona Mall near the Student Union

When: Saturday, April 6th 2013

Registration/Check-In begins at 7:30 am
Get ready to run for your life at 9:00 am!

Cost: $10 early group registration (5+ people per group until March 29th)
$15 group registration (5+ people per group after March 29th and the day of the event)
$15 early registration (until March 29th)
$20 regular registration (after March 29th and the day of the event)

The Cause: All funds raised will benefit the Tucson Hopefest- check out their website for more info: http://www.hopefest.org



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