More research needed in the field of nanotechnology – The Hindu

Additional Deputy Commissioner Sadashiva Prabhu said on Wednesday that more research was necessary in the field of nanotechnology as it had immense potential in various fields.

He was speaking after inaugurating a national seminar on Advances in Nanotechnology and Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable Development organised by MGM College here.

Mr. Prabhu said that nanotechnology was affecting almost all sectors, including healthcare, food processing and biotechnology. Advances in nanotechnology would also help in conservation of environment, he said.

Registrar of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Narayan Sabhahith said that sustainability of environment was important. Population on the planet had increased rapidly in the last 200 years.

During the ancient times, the human settlement was along the course of rivers because people needed water to survive and for other purposes also, he said.

As long as population was less, there were no problems. But with the constant increase in population leading to the present levels, this had put a strain on the rivers and water bodies, he said.

High population had led to increase in pollution, which was putting pressure on environment. It was becoming unsustainable, he said.

The other problem was consumption of resources, which would pose a problem in the future. If the 10 % of the affluent population in the world reduced their consumption of resources, sustainability could be attained, he said.

Recycling and reuse of products should be given importance. Management of waste water was a big challenge in a small city such as Udupi. Hence, waste water management should be given importance, Dr. Sabhahith said.

Associate Professor, Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, MAHE, Suresh D. Kulkarni, delivered the keynote address. College principal M.G. Vijay presided over the inaugural function. MGM PU College principal Malati Devi was present.

Arun Kumar B. welcomed the gathering. K. Bhaskar Acharya proposed the vote of thanks.

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More research needed in the field of nanotechnology - The Hindu

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