Efilism | Cool Childfree Guy | Page 2

before one of the worst events of my life is going to take place.

My sister is now starting her third trimester of pregnancy. Barring the fact that subjecting new, non-consenting individuals to the horrible thing that is an earthly existencecan only be described as the supreme act of evil, shes way too young and immature for a child. Shes probably the most irresponsible person I know. Further, she cant afford a damn kid and is instead going to be a government mooch when the child is born. Typical entitled liberal welfare mongers, that all she and her fianc are, and they dont really care to better themselves (both are college dropouts with no ambitions of any sort of decent career).

Anyway, if she knew what was good for her she would have terminated the pregnancy and if she just insists on having a kid later training for a decent paying career. Alas, she let her delusional Pollyanna emotions get the better of her and she has absolutely no idea what shes getting herself into.

Alas, Ive already established strict boundaries. I will not in any way help her care for her kid. I will not go over to her place when the kid isnt in school or daycare, ever. Her kid is not allowed in my house, ever. I dont mind dogsitting for her, but babysitting is out of the question. I will not be present at the baby shower (not that men ever go to those things), I will not get her any sort of a gift, nor will I visit her in the hospital after giving birth.

Perhaps this will cause her to completely write me out of her life. Thats perfectly OK with me. The past few months have been difficult on our relationship anyway (after I suggested she have an abortion and suggested she read Benatar, neither of which she gave any thought and told me I needed psychiatric help).

People say depression is an illness. I disagree. Depression is a sign of a highly-developed and rational mind which sees the world for what it really is: a horrible place full of conflict, war, disease andfamine. If anything should be classified as a mental illness, its optimism. Optimism is irrational. Optimism is delusion. Pessimism is realism.

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Efilism | Cool Childfree Guy | Page 2

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