Waterfronts: Channel Islands Center closer to opening

Work is nearing completion on the long-awaited Channel Islands Boating Center, which will be operated by CSU Channel Islands. Grand opening of the impressive center is expected in October or November.

The two-story boating center at Channel Islands Harbor will offer public education opportunities as well as university recreation programs.

Harbor Director Lyn Krieger recently gave me a tour of the soon-to-be-completed $6 million center.

The project has been in development since 2000 and is funded by a combination of private donations, grants, and Harbor revenues.

When completed, the facility will include classrooms, a conference room, locker rooms, showers, indoor and outdoor boat storage, and an adjacent ADA accessible dock. A variety of exhibits on boating and the marine environment will be located at the interior and exterior of the building. The exhibits will provide information about the natural environment off the coast, including the Channel Islands, Santa Barbara Channel and the National Marine Sanctuary.

Krieger said the center, with all its amenities, would be an excellent place to host major regattas and other boating related events. Chances are good that it will be a very busy place day and night seven days a week once it opens.

Krieger said the project has been made possible by a number of partners including California Department of Boating and Waterways, The Smith Family Foundation, NOAA Office of Ocean Services, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, and California Department of Parks and Recreation.

Although it will be a welcome addition to Channel Islands Harbor, the center hasn't come to fruition without its share of controversy.

The project was delayed in its early stages by heavy criticism from environmentalists and residents who live close to the chosen location. The opponents successfully pushed for environmental studies after pointing out that blue heron nests could be disturbed by the project. The opponents wanted the county to build the center on the other side of the harbor, but advocates for the existing location prevailed.


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Waterfronts: Channel Islands Center closer to opening

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