Mainland beckons…

Seal pup with the mighty Longstone in the background
Heading to shore - the lads in the Zodiac
Friday 27th November comments:
What a difference a day makes. Having been marooned on the islands for some time, it was a huge welcome relief when the sea allowed departure from Brownsman as our Zodiac headed west, mainland bound.

However it wasn’t all straight forward, as only three could make the journey due to weight restrictions in the choppy sea, so myself and Adam Scott remained behind to fight another day, as we had work to do. The band of three, Adam Hick, Davy Still and Jason Moss arrived on the mainland just after 10am with great relief and even the staff in the Co-op cheered at their arrival. The wait was over, stock supplies were replenished and we’ll eat like kings tonight. However myself and Adam Scott have to wait a bit longer but where due in tomorrow and that long awaited shower will be the first port of call...

Its also never that simple. The weather system has changed for the week ahead and we’re now looking at a serious north-easterly storm brewing, ready to batter the islands for a few days from Sunday. Although myself and my team will be fine in our cosy cottage on Brownsman with good food supplies, the same can not be said about the Seal pups. It really will be a matter of life and death for them and hold onto your hats, things are about to get interesting...

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