Game on

Kelp crisps - just don't ask Kelp collection - just don't try this at home!
Wednesday 25th November comments:

Welcome back, but we’ve been nowhere. The gale force winds have remained with us and it’s been an endless week of gales or strong winds. The mainland seems a distant memory as we approach a whopping fourteen days since we last seen a shop or a pub. The milk has gone, the margarine tub is empty and I can’t recall what beer looks like, never mind tastes like. I’m not sure if it’s the sign of the times, but the kelp crisps and lentils are currently being cooked…

Gradually supplies are running low as the storms batter us from all angles but team morale remains good as we discuss the if/when we’ll escape. We’ve even started to discuss what we’ll do first when we touch mainland soil – a pint of beer is near the top of most lists (and probably a shower…). Everything is being rationed as it’s not over yet, not by any stretch. As I type, the kelp crisps have arrived – crikey – don’t try this at home, only one word sums them up – vile!

The forecast looks bleak tomorrow and looking at the weekend, Saturday looks interesting…northerly storms. Where not out of this yet, not by any stretch. We’re heading to day fifteen. Game on.

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