SE Neighborhood Meeting Talking Beaver Islands, Talahi Woods – WJON News

ST. CLOUD --Learn about the Beaver Islands and Talahi Woods during an informational meeting next week. The Southeast St. Cloud Neighborhood Preservation Coalition is hosting its 11th annual meeting on Monday.

Minnesota's National Register Archaeologist David Mather will be the featured speaker.

Spokeswoman Ann Marie Johnson says he'll be able to talk a lot about how the city and the university utilized the islands over the years.

On one of the bigger islands, there was a tree nursery planted on there by professor Frederich who was a biology professor at St. Cloud State. They had picnics out there on one of the bigger islands, and of course, there was a bridge at one point.

Johnson says another topic of discussion is the newly established Southeast St. Cloud New Deal-Built Landscapes Historic District. It is the first historic district in St. Cloud in nearly 20 years.

It does cover four of our really significant sites, Riverside Park with Munsinger Gardens, Killean Boulevard, Selke Field, and George W. Fredrich Park, so that's pretty exciting.

The meeting is open to all city residents, not just the people who live in southeast St. Cloud. It will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday at St. Benedict's Senior Community.

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SE Neighborhood Meeting Talking Beaver Islands, Talahi Woods - WJON News

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