Book: 'Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution'



Contact: Molly Grote 212-743-8337 Oxford University Press USA

In 2001, scientists were finally able to determine the full human genome sequence, and with that discovery began a genomic voyage back in time. Researchers are beginning to unravel our full genetic history, comparing it with closely related species to answer age old questions about how and when we evolved. New genomic evidence has also brought forth a set of questions never before considered, making the field of human evolution more vibrant than ever before.

In ANCESTORS IN OUR GENOME, molecular anthropologist Eugene E. Harris presents a lively and thorough history of the evolution of the human genome and our species. Drawing upon his unique combination of expertise in both population genetics and primate evolution, Harris traces human origins back to their source and explains many of the most intriguing questions that genome scientists are currently working to answer in simple terms.

I hope that you will bring this comprehensive account of our current understanding of the human genome to the attention of your audiences. If you would like to discuss reviews, excerpts, or would like to interview the author, please feel free to contact me.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Eugene E. Harris is Professor of Biological Sciences and Geology at the City University of New York, and a Research Affiliate of the Center for the Study of Human Origins at New York University.



"Simply indispensable for any reader wishing to learn about the latest research on human origins." --Library Journal, starred review

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Book: 'Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution'

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