Keep the Medical, Well, Medical

Dr. Steven Murphy writes an excellent post about his stance in medical genomics and why he does not support today’s “Direct to Consumer” genomic industry. Highlights:

Medicinally used genetic tests, whether DTCG or not, should be represented and treated as Medical Tests…

Medical Genetic tests should be regulated according to the laws of each state/country…

Simply stating your tests are “nonmedical” does not make them “nonmedical” especially if they have a long history of being used medically…

I know many people who read this website do not like Dr. Steven Murphy. But that is a damn fine argument, and the truth is, Steve believes in personalized medicine so much that he built an entire medical practice to do it. Sick people come in, and healthy people come out. Everyday. So, you’re a “personalized medicine” advocate? What did you do? Link from your blog? Raise awareness? How many patients got medical help from you? Zero? “but… um, I helped contribute awareness and advocate….” Yah… nothing. That’s what I thought.

I support Steve. You may not like his online persona. You may not like the personality stereotype of all doctors. But remember: nobody liked the “personality type” of “electrical engineers” in the 1970’s, either.

Aside: and all this hate toward Myriad: listen, you may not like Myriad. But they have been healing patients for decades before you even knew what DNA was. Have some respect. Oh, so you don’t like “gene patents”? Me neither. But, take it to court… and I sure as hell hope you have better arguments than “it’s like looking in the mirror” and “if something new is created, then you can’t make diagnostics.” Cut the “oh some evil company wanted to bill me a couple hundred dollars for a medical test boo hoo” trial-by-mob bullshit. Yah. My business is medical operations. You want a boo hoo story? I have real boo hoo stories for you. Run a decent case and keep the half-assed sob stories to yourself.

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