Gmail Enterprise: World’s Best EMR

For $10/month/seat, we get almost unlimited storage, unlimited instant search of all messages and contacts, custom forms which enter directly into spreadsheets, video chat, the world’s best online calendar, the world’s best email, a collaborative document editor into which we dictate medical notes, the world’s best API for integration, Google App Engine for custom applications, and it all works on any computer, iPhone, or iPad without installation or support —all secure, legal, and private. No blueshirts, no bullshit —it just works.

Ralph Williamson MD writes:

You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Andrew Yates is an investor/partner/etc in a competing EMR corporation. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this post is removed.

30,000 physicians can’t be wrong. If practice fusion was an illegal product, or an unethical product, it would have already been shut down. Being the fastest growing EMR is the country puts you under the lime-light, and practice fusion is out in the open for all to see…and it keeps growing.

Put your money where your mouth is and challenge them, Mr. Yates. Report them to the feds, call the police, call your politician, tell the press, sue them. If you shut them down, I will eat my words and apologize to you for being so naive and stupid.

All I ask is that you do it quick, because I am on the verge of signing up. So I would like you to bring them down before I make the move.

First: yes, 30,000 physicians can be wrong. Second, what idiot would invest in a business whose business plan is to “sell” a free and unlawful version of Google Spreadsheets implemented in Adobe Flash? Not me. I don’t work for Google, and I don’t care about nerd shit like “EMRs.” Not even actual computer nerds are nerdy enough to care about EMRs.

As for enforcing the law: I’m not the law. The federal and state government can prosecute whomever they want —they don’t need my help. You want to use Practice Fusion? Go ahead (dumbass).

Also: 30,000 physicians? There are only about 300,000 physicians in the United States total. 10% of physicians in the United States use Practice Fusion? Really? I’d be surprised if 10% of physicians regularly use email for clinical use.

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