Structure Panel: Different Clouds, Different Purposes

Kevin HazardAs you may recall, The Planet made an appearance at Structure 2010, and our very own Carl Meadows participated in the conference’s closing panel, “Different Clouds, Different Purposes: A Taxonomy of Clouds.”

Moderated by GigaOm’s Stacey Higginbotham, the panel was designed to evaluate the the benefits of moving to the cloud, whether different cloud platforms will or should be interoperable, and whether businesses should build or buy cloud platforms. Executives from NetApp, Verizon Business, Yahoo! and StrataScale joined Carl on the panel, and each brought a different set of experiences and perspectives.

The session has been published by GigaOm on LiveStream so you can tune in to watch the half-hour session you missed if you weren’t able to join us in San Francisco. If you’re like me (a proud member of The Official Carl Meadows Fan Club), you can skip to “the good parts” to learn more about The Planet’s perspective from Carl at 6:50, 11:50, 20:00 and 25:30.

What are your thoughts on the panel topics? Any questions about Carl’s responses?



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