Spam All Day, Bacon All Night

As the “abuse guy,” I deal with all kinds of abuse issues, and as you would imagine, SPAM is the primary point of concern. You’d probably think that dealing with spam ALLLLLL day every day would make most meat products sound unappealing, but there’s one that’ll never get on my bad side.

Bacon … wrapped around random slices of meat.

Bacon Blog

Now, I could draw a comparison with bacon and a server and tell you that bacon is a mandatory component of any good breakfast, the way memory is to a server is key, but I won’t. I’d rather get right to my point: Bacon, make everything better!

And when its wrapped around another piece of meat, it’s like it marries the meat and they combine during the grilling process and make some sort of new flavorful offspring full of taste, combining the amazing taste of bacon with the inferior yet still good taste of the meat it’s wrapped around!

But wait, there’s more. Bacon also wraps nicely around chicken and cheese stuffed jalapenos, bringing a unique taste of crunchy jalapeno, melted cheese, moist chicken, and of course MORE BACON.

You should really try this at your next party. It’s not hard to do. You need (1) Bacon, (2) Something to wrap it around and (3) Toothpicks. I usually cook the “wrappee” to the point where it’s almost ready to eat before adding the wrapper so the bacon is perfectly cooked at the same time the internal meat is ready to eat.*

The best thing about bacon is there are sooo many choices, from kinds of bacon to available brands. Some bacon is thin, and some is thick. Some bacon is cured and some is smoked. The choice is really yours. And you can’t go wrong! (Well, if you don’t know what you’re getting into, you might go wrong with tofu bacon and other types of fake bacon -aka- facon)

- Dody

*One note to keep in mind and this is VERY important. Bacon tends to be greasy and fatty and if you’re grilling bacon over an open flame, the chances that the grease from the bacon will drip down and catch the area it lands in on fire are very … no EXTREMELY likely and dangerous. The result could be the loss of a lot of arm hair.

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