The Worst, Most Public Climate Villians

Below is the most spot-on intro to a climate change article I have ever read.  Lesson: It’s time to stop beating around the bushfire and get real. (There are many behinds the scenes climate villians not included here, including politicians and their legions of non-questioning accolytes.)

“The science of climate change is pretty basic: humans dig up fossilized carbon to fuel power plants and internal combustion machines, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.  Result: greenhouse effect global heating. Around 50% of all the species on the planet are predicted to become extinct by 2100 in the CO2-as-usual model. Our own species will face drought, famine, rising tides, soaring temperatures, calamity and chaos. Hundreds of millions will become climate refugees. Billions may die from starvation, genocide and war. We have precious little time to mitigate this looming global catastrophe.

Those of us still denying the depressing facts are either tragically stupid or profoundly corrupt or both. If there’s anyone alive to write the history of corporate funded climate science denial, the following list of 15 Heinous Climate Villains will, by the sheer magnitude of death their lies wrought, make the infamous dictatorial monsters of the 20th century seem like incompetent children. Enjoy!”

The following list is of the “worst climate villians” or those who are pushing the lie that global warming is a hoax and/or we have nothing to worry about and/or are the world’s biggest polluters. You know the type — people like Rep. Michele Bachmann who say that CO2 is good for us because it’s a natural part of nature. Like butterflies and lambs. I used “public” in the title because many villians work behinds the scenes, and much money changes hands. Bribes and increased pollution result. Anyway, here is the list, compiled by Michael Roddy and Ian Murphy (of the Buffalo Beast and reprinted at Alternet).  These people are the enemy of every living thing on earth.

1)Don Blankenship, CEO Massey Energy

Misdeeds: According to the EPA, Massey’s mountaintop removal coal operation is filthier than a Tiger Woods text. When a West Virginia Circuit Court fined the energy giant $50 million, it wasn’t a problem for Blankenship, because he owns the West Virginia Supreme Court.  Massey Energy is the fourth largest coal company in the US.

2) George Will, Columnist

Misdeeds: The errors Will has committed to print over the years are both more numerous and irresponsible than his bow tie collection, for which he also feels no remorse. He claimed in a February 2009 Washington Post column that “According to the University of Illinois’ Arctic Climate Research Center, global sea ice levels now equal those of 1979.” The Center responded: “We do not know where George Will is getting his information…[out of his ass] . . .  global sea ice levels are 1.34 million sq. km less in February 2009 than in February 1979.”

3) James Inhofe, Senator from Oklahoma

Stupider than all the world’s dumb blonde jokes put together, Inhofe struggles to understand [...]

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