Smack the Email Hack Attack

Here is it:  The Last and Final Smackdown of the illegal hacking and other break-in crimes committed in recent weeks (one involved stealing a dead computer and old papers!)  being used by the misguided and dishonest Denial Movement to score political points.  Right-wing talk radio is all over this — mainly because their understanding of global warming is so compromised by their politics.  It is the last because FN has already probably devoted too much space and time to Hackergate and deniers lately, but what they are saying has to be corrected and exposed.

Now we can all move on.  “Climate deniers have been making a lot of noise about a set of stolen emails from one of the world’s leading climate centers, The Universtiy of East Anglia. The spin they’re putting out is that the emails reveal what they always suspected, an evil global conspiracy.”

There is another video at the bottom of this entry.   Also see:

Impact of CRU Hacking on the AMS Statement on Climate Change

AMS Headquarters has received several inquiries asking if the material made public following the hacking of e-mails and other files from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia has any impact on the AMS Statement on Climate Change, which was approved by the AMS Council in 2007 and represents the official position of the Society.  Read on for Nature’s take on this.

And from Nature:

Climatologists under pressure

“Stolen e-mails have revealed no scientific conspiracy, but do highlight ways in which climate researchers could be better supported in the face of public scrutiny.

The e-mail archives stolen last month from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK, have been greeted by the climate-change-denialist fringe as a propaganda windfall (see page 551). To these denialists, the scientists’ scathing remarks about certain controversial palaeoclimate reconstructions qualify as the proverbial ’smoking gun’: proof that mainstream climate researchers have systematically conspired to suppress evidence contradicting their doctrine that humans are warming the globe.

This paranoid interpretation would be laughable were it not for the fact that obstructionist politicians in the US Senate will probably use it next year as an excuse to stiffen their opposition to the country’s much needed climate bill. Nothing in the e-mails undermines the scientific case that global warming is real — or that human activities are almost certainly the cause. That case is supported by multiple, robust lines of evidence, including several that are completely independent of the climate reconstructions debated in the e-mails.. . . .”

It’s a good science article too.

Here is the best, last video on this topic unless Quentin Tarantino makes one:

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