Fighting to Save the Clean Air Act

Lisa Murskowski in Smog

Did you know the Clean Air Act was in trouble? It is, and from the usual suspects.  There will be many more battles like this to come.

This request to take action is from Friends of the Earth. The threat is coming from a right-wing Senator, Murkowski, from Alaska.  Murkowski’s reasoning to stop the EPA’s regulatory authority is that she is afraid the EPA is going to “regulate” emissions from stationary sources of CO2 other than coal plants and other power plants, such as hospitals, schools and peoples’ homes.  That’s not the intent of the Act whatsoever, and the EPA has no intention of regulating emissions from homes and schools.  Murkowski  knows this of course.  But she continues to spread the fear to score political points for her party, the GOP.  The mission of the GOP is to defeat any and all climate change legislation.   The EPA needs to retain the authority to regulate emissions, so we have to stop her amendment and similar obstructionism to come.  (Read her analysis here.)

The Clean Air Act — the key federal tool that can cut the pollution that causes global warming — is under attack.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, is expected to offer an amendment on January 20 that would stop the Obama administration from using the Clean Air Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Friends of the Earth and a broad coalition of environmental and conservation groups from across the country have sent a letter to senators asking them to oppose the amendment.

Click here to view the letter (pdf).

You can take action to help save the Clean Air Act. If you haven’t yet, click here to send your senators a message asking them to vote against the Murkowski amendment and save the Clean Air Act. 

Please join us in the fight to save the Clean Air Act by sending your Senators a message today. Just enter your zip code here to get started.

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