Tips to St Kitts and Nevis

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The islands of St Kitts and Nevis are located in the northern part of the Lesser Antilles chain of islands in the Eastern Caribbean. St Kitts is located at 1715 North latitude and 6245 West longitude while Nevis is located at 17 North latitude and 6130 West longitude. The islands are approximately 1,300 miles from Miami (3 hours flight time), 2,000 miles from New York (4 hours flight time), and 4,000 miles from London (8 hours flight time). A channel of water, the Narrows, about two miles wide, separates the two islands.

Capital City

The capital of St Kitts is Basseterre while Charlestown is the capital of Nevis


The islands of St Kitts and Nevis have a tropical climate with temperatures ranging from 17 33C. The temperature averages about 79F (26C) and average humidity is 71.5%. Cooling breezes from the north-east trade winds blow throughout most of the year. The average sea water temperature is 80F (27C). Average annual rainfall is 55 inches in St Kitts and 48 inches in Nevis.


English is the official language. Broken English is a dialect that is spoken by the locals.


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Tips to St Kitts and Nevis

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