The power of prayer in health and healing: Venture capitalist Vani Kola vouches for benefits of spirituality – Times Now

Link your spiritual WiFi with God: Do prayers help in the healing process?

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We all like to have an anchor in life, a point to offload our worries, and recharge our batteries of hope and good health. And entrepreneurs and enterprising women are not any different.

"Before I go to bed, my nighttime ritual is to pray. Just a universal prayer.

Prayer, in this sense, is not a religious ritual. I use this time for quiet contemplation, praying for the well-being of everyone everywhere. I pray for a few minutes for peace and love to prevail, replacing hatred and intolerance.

Several studies have shown that prayer can positively impact health. It can provide you with a sense of calm, control, encouragement, and connection. Praying for the well-being of others, even those who have harmed you - can reduce anger and aggression.

Along with gratitude, prayer is one of the most powerful tools I know of to create a calm inner space. I feel in a world torn by rising intolerance, prayer is a powerful transformative tool.

What are your tools for inner peace? Do you pray for others?

#Wellness #MentalHealth"

The power of prayer in healing and health:

It adds that the advocates of prayers exalt the healing power of the activity in health care, while critics are sceptical about this claim and its healing potential is put down to coincidences or its placebo effect.

There is evidence to suggest that some patients and healthcare practitioners believe in the healing power of prayer. Nurses may be called upon to pray with or for patients as part of holistic care.

Prayers and spirituality need no scientific validation:

"With double-blind clinical trials, scientists tried their best to study something that may be beyond their best tools," said Brandeis sociologist Wendy Cadge, an expert on the intersection of religion and medicine in contemporary American society, "and reflects more about them and their assumptions than about whether prayer 'works.'"

Reflecting a recent shift toward delegitimising studies of intercessory prayer, recent commentators in the medical literature concluded: "We do not need science to validate our spiritual beliefs, as we would never use faith to validate our scientific data." Wendy Cadge, incidentally, is the year 2009 Suzanne Young Murray Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University - as well as the author of the book, Paging God: Religion in the Halls of Medicine.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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The power of prayer in health and healing: Venture capitalist Vani Kola vouches for benefits of spirituality - Times Now

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