Faith matters: Awaken the spiritual artist within | Lifestyle –

Do you consider yourself an artist? Most people would answer that question with a resounding NO. And if you saw my sketching efforts, well, you would probably join me in a big laugh. But lets rethink this for a moment because, especially during these times of immense suffering, loss and division, let us consider spiritual artistry -- and paint with broader brush strokes.

Regardless of our different faith traditions, we can gaze upon the vistas of creation and marvel at the creativity and artistry that surrounds us. We can also acknowledge that, however we come into this creation, we are the expressions of the Artist of All. Some say we are created in his (or her) image. As offspring of this Artist, we carry that creativity in our DNA -- to be manifested in a way that is reflective of our individual gifts.

These are the thoughts that came to me in meditation on the day of remembrance for September 11. A day when, in our memories of horrific pain and unspeakable tragedy, images crowd our thoughts. Images of colors and shapes and sounds that invite us to look deeper at ourselves and our world.

All of us, I believe, are spiritual artists, creating images that resonate throughout our communities. With what mediums do we paint and sketch? With what instrumentals is the air filled? Do we only use the dim shades of shadows or the melancholy minor keys or do we open up our world with creations of light and color? Are our orchestrations staccato or giocoso? Do we diligently dig into the marble to release the hard truth and the beauty of creation?

Every action is an artistic expression and an unveiling of who we are. Each word paints a visual picture of the glory and goodness that is possible. Each prayer sketches a poetic profile. Even as we might not consider ourselves artists, our ability to create is embedded in our cells. It is, perhaps, that ability that we have not yet fully tapped.

It seems as if now is the time to awaken the artist within. Now is the time for spiritual artistry to lead us out of the shadows where we have been safely hidden and cross the thresholds into the openness of creation.

Spiritual artists, like others, see with more than eyes, understand with more than intellect and hear with more than ears. They feel with more than touch. In spiritual artistry the inner view, the contemplative thought and the soulful sounds and textures bring us into a deeper relationship with the Divine. We live in the reality of the interconnectedness of all.

It is time to awaken our artist within and, graced with new tools, delight the world as we honor the Artist of All Creation.

The Reverend Dr. Deborah Darlington creates artistic celebrations that honor all of lifes passages for people of all traditions and beliefs. She can be reached at

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Faith matters: Awaken the spiritual artist within | Lifestyle -

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