LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Socialism removes incentives – Washington Times


Communist redistribution theory was extremely popular in American and European academic circles during much of the 20th century. Professors, (bomb-building) students and Hollywood wannabes all stumbled over one another in enthusiasm about it. Yet the Soviet model collapsed with food lines and empty store shelves, killing and starving over 100 million people in the process. Indeed, the history of godless Marxism is synonymous with death, war and misery.

Of course Communism failed; it was and is a dumb idea embraced by people with high IQs but low amounts of common sense. The philosophy is riddled with economic error and blind contradictions of human nature. People work, innovate and establish businesses for the reward of wage or profit. If those incentives are controlled, greatly diminished or removed by governmental force, the incentive for production and the enthusiasm for work is largely removed. The individual subjected to such conditions is incentivized to exert minimum effort for the government stipend provided. Few, if any, inventions or advances in science have emerged from Marxist cultures. When workers are assigned employment in Siberia (current China) for example its far more like slavery.

A third problem is presented when incompetent politicians attempt to direct the wheels of production absent any expertise. Should we return to caves and immediately remove cars, trucks and airplanes from the economy over a one-degree rise in temperature over a period of 100 years? Until truly efficient green technology exists, the proposed solution is more dangerous than a slight temperature rise.

As for European socialism, should we move to Denmark where a Big Mac costs $12 and a new Honda up to $90,000, and citizens pay a 56% tax rate? Americas discontents including leftist professors are not waiting at the Danish border, seeking entry.

In contrast, millions maass at our borders, attempting escape from quasi-sociaist states. Socialist policies cannot produce free-market results.


Provo, Utah

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Socialism removes incentives - Washington Times

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