NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #618 3 October 2014

Papers deriving from NASA support: 1 Goel N, Bale TL, Epperson CN, Kornstein SG, Leon GR, Palinkas LA, Stuster JW, Dinges DF. Effects of sex and gender on adaptation to spaceflight: Behavioral health considerations. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print] (PIs: D.F. Dinges, J.W. Stuster) Note:ISS results. Journal Impact Factor:1.896 Funding:Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by the National Space Biomedical Research Institute through NASA NCC 9-58; the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research Award No. N00014-11-1-0361; and NIH grants: K24 DA030301, P50 MH099910, MH073030, MH091258, and MH087597. 2 Pennline JA, Mulugeta L. Evaluating daily load stimulus formulas in relating bone response to exercise. Cleveland, OH: NASA Glenn Research Center. 2014 June; 22 p. NASA/TM-2014-218306. (PI: J.A. Pennline) Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. Journal Impact Factor:Not applicable to this publication. Funding:This work was supported by the Digital Astronaut Project of NASAs Human Research Program. 3 Salguero L, Saadat F, Sevostianov I. Micromechanical modeling of elastic properties of cortical bone accounting for anisotropy of dense tissue. J Biomech. 2014 Sep 1. pii: S0021-9290(14)00443-6. [Epub ahead of print] Journal Impact Factor:2.496 Funding:This work was supported in part by a grant from the NIH Grant no. R25GM061222 and by the New Mexico Space Grant Consortium via NASA Grant no. GR0003400. 4 Baulch JE, Aypar U, Waters KM, Yang AJ, Morgan WF. Genetic and epigenetic changes in chromosomally stable and unstable progeny of irradiated cells. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 24;9(9):e107722. (PI: J.E. Baulch) Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. Journal Impact Factor:3.534 Funding:This work was supported by NASA Grants NNX13AK69G and NNX13AK70G to JEB as well as by Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division, under Contract DE-AC05-76RL0 1830 with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research Low Dose Science Program. 5 Sanzari J, Muehlmatt A, Savage A, Lin L, Kennedy AR. Increased intracranial pressure in mini-pigs exposed to simulated solar particle event radiation. Acta Astronaut. 2014 Feb 1;94(2):807-812. (PI: A.R. Kennedy) Journal Impact Factor:0.816 Funding:This research was supported by the Center of Acute Radiation Research (CARR) grant from the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) through NASA NCC 9-58 and NIH Training Grant 2T32CA00967. 6 Derecho I, McCoy KB, Vaishampayan P, Venkateswaran K, Mogul R. Characterization of hydrogen peroxide-resistantAcinetobacterspecies isolated during the Mars Phoenix spacecraft assembly. Journal Impact Factor:2.512 Funding:This work was funded by the NASA Astrobiology Institute Minority Institutional Research Support award to R. Mogul, and in part by a NASA Research Announcement (NRA) ROSES 2006 award to K. Venkateswaran. A component of the research described in this publication was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ___________________________________________________________________________ Other papers of interest: 1 Ten Hagen B, Kmmel F, Wittkowski R, Takagi D, Lwen H, Bechinger C. Gravitaxis of asymmetric self-propelled colloidal particles. Nat Commun. 2014 Sep 19;5:4829. 2 Pei YC, Bensmaia SJ. The neural basis of tactile motion perception. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Sep 24. pii: jn.00391.2014. [Epub ahead of print] 3 Wyller VB, Fagermoen E, Sulheim D, Winger A, Skovlund E, Saul JP. Orthostatic responses in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome: Contributions from expectancies as well as gravity. Biopsychosoc Med. 2014 Sep 15;8:22. Note:From the Background section: The aim of the present study was to explore the differences between autonomic responses due to gravitational stimuli and autonomic responses due to expectancies in adolescent CFS. This article may be obtained online without charge. 4 Niu Y, Li C, Pan Y, Li Y, Kong X, Wang S, Zhai Y, Wu X, Fan W, Mei Q. Treatment of Radix Dipsaci extract prevents long bone loss induced by modeled microgravity in hindlimb unloading rats. Pharm Biol. 2014 Sep 22:1-7. [Epub ahead of print] Note:Hindlimb unloading study. 5 Lai LP, Lotinun S, Bouxsein ML, Baron R, McMahon AP. Stk11 (Lkb1) deletion in the osteoblast lineage leads to high bone turnover, increased trabecular bone density and cortical porosity. Note:From the Introduction: Osteoblast specific removal of Stk11 highlights a critical role for Stk11 in regulating bone turnover and both the organization and number of cortical and trabecular osteoblast and osteoclast populations, and the microstructure and quality of the osteoblast-generated bone matrix. 6 Mader TL, Novotny SA, Lin AS, Guldberg RE, Lowe DA, Warren GL. CCR2 elimination in mice results in larger and stronger tibial bones but bone loss is not attenuated following ovariectomy or muscle denervation. Calcif Tissue Int. 2014 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print] Note:From the abstract: The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of genetic elimination of CCR2 on cortical and trabecular bones in the mouse tibia and how bone loss was impacted following disuse and estrogen loss. 7 Couch MJ, Blasiak B, Tomanek B, Ouriadov AV, Fox MS, Dowhos KM, Albert MS. Hyperpolarized and inert gas MRI: The future. Mol Imaging Biol. 2014 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print] Review. Note:This article is related to NASA-funded research conducted by Albert from 2003-2009. 8 Chowdhury SM, Surhland C, Sanchez Z, Chaudhary P, Suresh Kumar MA, Lee S, Pea LA, Waring M, Sitharaman B, Naidu M. Graphene nanoribbons as a drug delivery agent for lucanthone mediated therapy of glioblastoma multiforme. 9 Gao X, McDonald JT, Naidu M, Hahnfeldt P, Hlatky L. A proposed quantitative index for assessing the potential contribution of reprogramming to cancer stem cell kinetics. Stem Cells Int. 2014;2014:249309. Epub 2014 May 12. Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. 10 Ghandhi SA, Ponnaiya B, Panigrahi SK, Hopkins KM, Cui Q, Hei TK, Amundson SA, Lieberman HB. RAD9 deficiency enhances radiation induced bystander DNA damage and transcriptomal response. Radiat Oncol. 2014 Sep 18;9:206. Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. 11 Maeda S, Gunji S, Hanai K, Hirano T, Kazama Y, Ohbayashi I, Abe T, Sawa S, Tsukaya H, Ferjani A. The conflict between cell proliferation and expansion primarily affects stem organogenesis inArabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 2014 Sep 22. pii: pcu131. [Epub ahead of print] 12 Maffei ME. Magnetic field effects on plant growth, development, and evolution. Front Plant Sci. 2014 Sep 4;5:445. Review. Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. 13 Hoson T, Wakabayashi K. Role of the plant cell wall in gravity resistance. Note:ISS results fromthe Space Seed experiment on the Kibo Module are discussed. 14 Effertz T, Scharr AL, Ricci AJ. The how and why of identifying the hair cell mechano-electrical transduction channel. Pflugers Arch. 2014 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print] Review. 15 Kumar S. Cellular mechanotransduction: Stiffness does matter. Nat Mater. 2014 Sep 22;13(10):918-20.

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NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #618 3 October 2014

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