James Hansen on President Obama and Carbon Pricing – Video

James Hansen on President Obama and Carbon Pricing
Climate One host Greg Dalton asks NASA #39;s James Hansen how he thinks President Obama is doing in addressing climate change. "Without a price on carbon, all you do by reducing your emissions [through solar panels and efficient vehicles] is reduce the demand for the fossil fuel, make it cheaper and somebody else will burn it. We have to actually leave those fossil fuels in the ground," says Hansen. Speaker: James Hansen, Head, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Adjunct Professor, Columbia University #39;s Earth Institute; Author, Storms of My Grandchildren Recorded: December 4, 2012 climate-one.org httpFrom:ClimateOneViews:2 0ratingsTime:02:03More inNonprofits Activism

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James Hansen on President Obama and Carbon Pricing - Video

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