Letter: Responsibility of Freedom | Opinion | thepilot.com – Southern Pines Pilot

Many thanks to Karla Keating of Pinehurst, who wrote so well recently about the price of freedom. It was even more apropos published in the shadow of Nick Lasalas piece on risk, yet another tantrum concerning the attack of personal liberties during the COVID crisis.

Lasala states, Risk can only be managed effectively at the individual level, and is completely subjective, as it should be in a constitutional republic.

If we all truly lived in a society existing only of ourselves, Mr. Lasala might have a platform to speak from, but then again no one would be around to hear him. But the personal risk he talks about is not just his, as we all well know how the virus is transmitted from one person to another.

I think its safe to say if the unvaccinated werent a risk to others, most of us would happily want them to exercise their personal liberties to risk catching the virus and let the pieces fall where they may. But, as Ms. Keating quotes Eleanor Roosevelt, With freedom comes responsibility.

Mrs. Roosevelt went on to say, For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect. We shoulder that responsibility when we put aside our personal risk-taking and care about the potential risks to all Americans.

Publishers Note: This is a letter to the editor, submitted by a reader, and reflects the opinion of the author. The Pilot welcomes letters from readers on its Opinion page, which serves as a public forum. The Pilot is not in the business of suppressing public opinion. We are a forum for community debate, and publish almost every letter we receive. For information on how to make a submission, visit this page: https://www.thepilot.com/site/forms/online_services/letter/

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Letter: Responsibility of Freedom | Opinion | thepilot.com - Southern Pines Pilot

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