Precipitins 1930 Herm Bio-Cinema; Biochemistry Quantitative Assays for Antibodies – Video

Precipitins 1930 Herm Bio-Cinema; Biochemistry Quantitative Assays for Antibodies
more at "Identification of human vs. animal blood, stains through chemical tests - scientists, labs, chemists, rabbits, experiments, blood, nurses, lab technicians, microscopes, test tubes, etc., very good film!" Public domain film from the Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). A precipitin is an antibody which can precipitate out of a solution upon antigen binding. Precipitin reaction The precipitin reaction provided the first quantitative assay for antibody. The precipitin reaction is based upon the interaction of antigen with antibody leading to the production of antigen-antibody complexes. To produce a precipitin reaction, varying amounts of soluble antigen are added to a fixed amount of serum containing antibody. As the amount of antigen added: - In the zone of antibody excess, each molecule of antigen is bound extensively by antibody and crosslinked to other molecules of antigen. The average size of antibody-antigen complex is small; cross-linking between antigen molecules by antibody is rare. - In the zone of equivalence, the formation of precipitin complexes is optimal. Extensive lattices of antigen and antibody are ...

By: Jeff Quitney

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Precipitins 1930 Herm Bio-Cinema; Biochemistry Quantitative Assays for Antibodies - Video

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