Dr. McCord – The Scientist Behind Protandim – Video

Dr. McCord - The Scientist Behind Protandim
Dr. McCord - The Scientist Behind Protandim- Chronic Fatigue - Scientific review and http://www.lifevantage.com The future of nutrition. Call Dr. Ed Noa at 707-718-2036. http://www.doctornoa.com. Get Dr. Noa #39;s new book - Doctor You - Overcoming the Sick Tired Styndrome FFID Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS Depression. Amazon - Kindle http://www.amazon.com 2441 Imola Napa Cal 94558 Dr. Joe Milton McCord, PhD. was born March 3, 1945. He is an internationally known biochemist who as a graduate student, he and his senior professor, Dr. Irwin Fridovich Ph.D, were the first discover the enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase. Dr. McCord is involved with LifeVantage Corporation - makers of Protandim, TrueScience and Canine Health since 2006. Dr. McCord received his BS degree in chemistry from Rhodes College (graduated in1966) and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke University (graduated in 1970). Dr. McCord has held biochemistry faculty positions at Duke University Medical Center, University of South Alabama, and the University of Colorado Denver. http://www.ucdenver.edu Protandim is an all natural product is scientifically proven to decrease the oxidative stress of an adult by an average of 40% (Free Radical Biology, 2006), that of an infant. 14 peer-reviewed scientific studies (go to PubMed (www.pubmed.org) and write in Protandim), 4 patents and a Nrf2 activator. The ingredient synergy is proven. A proprietary blend of 5 herbs - green tea, tumeric, milk thistle, ashwaganda and bacopa that is 18 ...

By: Ed Noa

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Dr. McCord - The Scientist Behind Protandim - Video

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