This Is the Most Important Decision You Can Make To Increase Sales Right Now! – InvisionMag

SELLING IS A vital part of what we do. Patients dont get to experience amazing vision without eyewear. To improve our sales, weve been told to change the way we think about sales.

But what we actually need is more foundational, more deeply rooted. We need to change our philosophy on sales. Youve likely heard stories of people transforming their lives with a change in philosophy. Could a new sales philosophy transform your business? Absolutely.

Writer Ayn Rand, a brilliant thinker and philosopher, said, philosophy is needed in order to live life. The importance of having a foundational philosophy underpinning everything you do, especially business, cant be overstated. Thus, the two most important questions are:

Think of this philosophy as a filter for all your decisions and actions, guiding you and your team. Only do those things that support it. This one act is simple, powerful, and it will transform your business.

To help you create a foundational philosophy, consider this: Whats best for the patient, is best for the practice.

Let it settle in. Its profound, not to be glossed over. If what is best for the patient makes the practice money, even better. Many feel guilty when recommending something if its more expensive; the real guilt should come if you are not recommending what you truly know is best for your patients vision.A heart surgeon never asks a patient if they want the best procedure or one thats just okay; neither do neurologists or orthopedic surgeons.

For you to serve, you must sell. Selling is serving. Better products are easier to work with, more functional, have better craftsmanship and style. It best serves the practice through dramatically decreasing remakes and warranty work, while increasing patient satisfaction and referrals. All things that increase your reputation and sales but will go unnoticed if you choose not to sell or only aim to sell the least expensive option to the patient.

Money demands that you sellyour talent to their reason. Ayn Rand

A critical initial sales step is recommending or prescribing. When its done with authentic belief its powerful, and skilled opticians can more easily guide a patient through the optical, ensuring the patient experiences the best vision while delivering the talent of your team. This is the perfect example of a customer-first philosophy implemented in a real sale.

Your patient will have confidence in that amazing progressive and that great AR treatment that will keep those lenses pristine. Definitely best for the patient and best for the practice.

A few other examples:

Its best for your patient to have an annual supply of contacts. Studies prove these patients are less likely to overwear lenses.Its best for your patient to have photo documentation of their retina to flag early changes. One early catch can make all the difference.

First, implement your version of a customer-first philosophy. Second, and just as critical, is getting buy-in from your team. Assure them when you all implement this philosophy decisions will come faster and easier, be less stressful, more accurate and increase accountability.

As co-founder and visionary leader of Spexy, this is the type of philosophy-based thinking I implement and impart to my team and our clients.

Decide, right now, to implement a clear customer-first philosophy to guide your business. Your team will start selling and serving like never before.

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This Is the Most Important Decision You Can Make To Increase Sales Right Now! - InvisionMag

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