Members Outspoken on The Left’s Priorities – AMAC – The Association of Mature American Citizens – AMAC

AMAC members are familiar with the weekly poll on our website where we ask their take on an issue or item(s) in the news.But it is the comments section where members can really sound off. A good week has 500-700 comments.However, this week we garnered over 1,300 comments, the most since October 29, 2021.

We want our members to make pointed selections from the choices offered, limited to two maximum, and therefore intentionally eschew an all of the above selection.That helps AMAC discern priorities and what is most important.

Our ask this week was about the top priorities of The Left. There was a near three-way tie between growing government to control us, indoctrinating kids as early as elementary school, and open borders to get illegal aliens voting later. Creating dependency, a Green New Deal industrial policy, and a post-gender unisex world were the also-ran choices.

The one theme easily spotted in the comments was how The Left is totally absorbed with power and control in all that it does and proposes.Heres a selection from AMAC members, in their own words:

I feel like I am seeing the destruction of everything good about America in real time. The political class seems hell bent on ruining every institution, every aspect of American life. Anna

Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand; she and Orwell both described the future we are living now. Dan M.

Its all by design to usher in The New World Order. Karen

Its disgusting what theyre doing to America, and its disgusting how theyre getting away with it day after day. Audrey

When good men do nothing, evil rules. Time for good men to step up. David M.

Americans better wake up or there will be no freedoms. Bonnie

They dont believe in American exceptionalism. Carolyn

I dont understand why the left hates America so much. Charlene M.

The [Democrats] at the wheel and behind the scenes are focused on turning us into a society so dependent and submissive to government. Patti

The lefts main goal? See Hunger Games.- John

Their goal is to keep the situation stirred up to confuse a pubic not able to focus on more than one thing. Tom C.

Create non-self-thing robots and destroy Christianity. Kate S.B.

They are doing this for a purpose to destroy society. David

My heart breaks for what the Democratic part has become. My father was a Democrat who understood an intact traditional family is crucial to the fabric of society. L.J.P.

Any chance of a future for my grandchildren in this country which I love deeply and fought for is growing bleaker by the second right now. William L.

How on Gods earth are we going to continue on this very dark road? Maria

Their priorities are power and control; those [poll] options are the means by which to achieve it. Alyson W.

To fundamentally change America from founding beliefs that will erase our history. Joe

We need to have a Convention of States to restore the power back to the states, where it rightfully belongs, as our Constitution was written! Roscoe

Any country or people who turn away from God get exactly what we are witnessing in America. Gary

Total and complete subjugation of the entire population just as Venezuela went from rich to poor in 3 years, we are on that track. Cyncro

My question- what is being done to stop this? Judith

The party of slavery continues to promote slavery in any and all form. They support anything and everything that enslaves a person physically, mentally, and spiritually. Rick

Jeff Szymanskiworks in political communications atAMAC, a senior benefits organization with nearly 2.4 million members.He previously taught high school economics for 15 years.

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Members Outspoken on The Left's Priorities - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens - AMAC

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