Scientific Discovery About the Source of a Key Element of Life Shows Why Sun Worship Is the Most Rational Religion –

A gas and dust cloud in space... NASA

From Kathrin Altwegg, a member of the research team:

Upon reading about this finding, I recalled many things, one of which was the recent experience of listening to white Christian pop in a New York City bar.

The bar in question is called Forlini's. It's said to be very old and all that. It's comfortable enough. The tuna salad sandwich offered on its menu isn't half bad. But for a reason I could not determine, the bartender (or the owner of the business) chained the bar's radio to a station that played white Christian pop. As I ate and drank white wine, I listened to singer after singer go on and on about a Jesus who can only be described as totalitarian. He made us. He wants all of us.

One singer tried to escape His love but the poor fellow couldn't, and he was eternally thankful that he could not. Another singer claimed that she knew no one else in the whole wide world who was better, more perfect, more amazing than Him. And she was forever grateful for finding and becoming at one with the GOAT. In the throat of another, every atom was used to tell all who could hear that their life had no meaning whatsoever until they totally submitted to His infinite power. There was not a single song on the radio about Jesus's profoundly social message: helping those in need, not judging sinners, loving strangers as you love your family. None of that kind of thing. These singers had one story to tell: He/she was nothing until he/she submitted to the total power of the universe, the son of God.

But if we are to ignore Jesus' social message (a message I totally agree with), and only want to praise an elemental power, a force that is inescapable and fundamental to life itself, it seems to make no sense to sing about the supremacy of Jesus, a political figure (he was crucified not with thieves, but with men who were like him, rebels of the Roman state). These white Christian pop singers should instead be sun worshippers. Their songs are really about the stars, which, as one physicist put it, died (supernova) so that we could be born. Theirs is not the passion of Matthew but Atenism, the religion of ancient Egypt.

From Wikipedia:

The rays of the sun, its brilliant power, its connection with other stars, some of which generated phosphorus during their formation, and others ejected the stuff (the forces) of life across space during an explosion triggered by the final stage of nuclear fusion, iron. The praise songs on the Christian radio station were not about the complexities of social organization, or the struggles of the poor, but the elemental forces of life. That's not what Jesus is about, sorry. That wasn't his racket during his brief "time pan ert." He also, to his credit, didn't care much for miracles. If the primal is what you really want to worship, then turn to the sun and all of those "dishevelled wandering stars."

Read more from the original source:

Scientific Discovery About the Source of a Key Element of Life Shows Why Sun Worship Is the Most Rational Religion -

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