Planetology – National Geographic Store – Shop Atlases …

In a stunning and completely new view of the solar system, an astronaut and a geologist team up to investigate, through parallel views made possible by cutting-edge space technology, how the earth can help science unravel the mysteries of the heavens.

Noted planetary geologist Ellen Stofan and veteran astronaut Tom Jones pair images of Earthmany captured by space shuttle and space station crewmemberswith astonishing scenes of alien surfaces beamed home by NASA's far-ranging robotic probes.

This comprehensive new portrait of the solar system brings to light an array of important features never seen until todayand it highlights, for the first time, the similarities and contrasts between Earth and its neighbors in space.

Anecdotal stories from space flights and exploratory missions make Planetology an absorbing read and an informative resource. The book's unique concept draws intriguing comparisons across multiple physical processes, and its dynamic design offers a fresh approach to the study of space.

"Jones provided a preview of his forthcoming book...which blends imagery of Earth and other celestial bodies to show the similarities and contrasts in climate and geology."msnbc Cosmic Blog

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Planetology - National Geographic Store - Shop Atlases ...

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