Five design trends set to visually shape 2022 – It’s Nice That

Intense, Retina-searing Colours

If there ever was a visual riposte to uncertain, challenging times that manifested through the reflective microcosm that is the world of design, then the recent rise in the use of dramatic, eye-searing colours was definitely it. Intense gradients and blazing hues showed up across advertising campaigns, album and book covers, identity systems and editorial design that made it almost impossible for the viewer to look away.

It was no coincidence that we felt the need to go full-tilt bright last year in some of our colour choices. Hope and optimism go a long way, and colour as a visual identifier of this sentiment seems like a choice many people and organisations will continue to make, says Jason Little, co-founder and executive creative director of For The People, who designed the identity for the Sydney Film Festival 2021. Its like theres all this pent up energy waiting to be released, and this is definitely an avenue to express it.

We cant wait to be safe and free again, so we pour that intention, that hope into our work and the colour choices, says Zuzanna Rogatty, senior designer at Collins. In a way, this ballsy use of colours also points towards a clear intention to make brands unignorable, Zuzanna explains. I hope it is actually a movement, a characteristic of the zeitgeist, a colour uprising, and not only a trend.

The use of provocative, complex hues is definitely here to stay. Theres always a long tail to these things, right? says Jason. While its been brewing gently for a while, lately, colours have become emblematic of the current, get-up-and-go creative landscape, and it promises to be something well see a lot of in 2022. Jason adds: And maybe the late majority and big tech will be right in this space by 2024, who knows.

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Five design trends set to visually shape 2022 - It's Nice That

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