Trump No Longer the Odds-On Favorite to Win in November – TheStreet

Until now, the one thing Trump supporters could and did repeat was their guy was ahead. That's no longer the case.

A quick check on PredictIt shows Biden is ahead of Trump and has been there for a while.

That chart is stale by a day. As I type, it is 54-47.

Bible-Toting Fiasco

Trump's bible toting fiasco was the impetus for the change.

Something Changed for the Better: Trump's Bubble Just Shattered

On June 3, I commented Something Changed for the Better: Trump's Bubble Just Shattered

Trump made a complete fool out of himself. Fout Republican Senators criticized his photo-op stunt as didMike Mullen , Seventeenth chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Millen wrote an Op-Ed:I Cannot Remain Silent.

James N. Miller Resigns

James N. Miller, Defense Science Board Member and former under secretary of defense for policy from 2012 to 2014 resigned.

Miller accused Trump and Secretary of Defense Esper of blatant actions that cross the line.

Retired Marine General Latest to Admonish Trump

On June 4, a Retired Marine General Admonished Trump.

Retired top Marine Gen. John Allen joins Mattis dissent from Trump.

Allen warns of 'Beginning of the End' for Democracy if troops are used against protests.

Facts of the Matter

Clearly, some people are still in denial.

How do I know that?


Trump's supporters look the other way.

They fabricate excuses like the protest was not peaceful, besides "It was not teargas".

Amazing Lengths

Trump's supporters twist themselves in knots to avoid admitting he did anything wrong.

Regardless of denials something snapped.

I chimed in with the same message Trump is a Threat to the Constitution.

Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American peopledoes not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us, Mattis writes. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.

Trump's Disapproval Over Time

Trump's core support is about 36-38%.

These people will vote for Trump no matter what he does. But except for one brief moment at election time Trump cannot break the 45% approval line.

A quick check on the 538 Trump Tracker shows Trump is still at 41.6%.

This election will not be wonm nationally but at the state level. There, Trump continues to fall further and further begind.


See the original post here:

Trump No Longer the Odds-On Favorite to Win in November - TheStreet

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