RON PAUL: Is he the ONLY candidate who can speak PLAIN …

Whether he speaks plainly or not isn't the issue....what is the issue is this : he tells the flat truth about what's going on.

The rub is, that truth is what the leaders of the current and former status quo don't want. In turn, they're having all media blacklist the man because it's easier to make the brainwashed masses forget about him by not hearing his message than fighting the message head on.

When you come into direct combat with an idea, you firstly have to admit that there's a reason why you're doing so. If the Fed creates a blatant defensive front against Ron Paul people will question why. So, it's easier to make all media act like he doesn't hopefully people will forget about him completely or just assume he's out of the running (which he's by no means out in the slightest).

Hopefully, our march on Washington D.C. makes people realize that there are real numbers in support of this man, and the changes he wants to make. The news stations will cover it, except for FOX that is I'm sure (in consideraton that they're not even acknowledging that he exists).

If people want to think he, or his supporters are nutcases, please do so. When one runs into opposition one realizes that one's doing the right thing.

Ron Paul revolution 2008!!

See original here:

RON PAUL: Is he the ONLY candidate who can speak PLAIN ...

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