Ron Paul | Abortion | Pro-Life Profiles

Both the fifth and 14th Amendments create a constitutional right to life for all "persons" as well as a federal duty to protect those lives. Therefore, if the Court were to overturn Roe on the basis that the unborn child is a person, their lives would be protected by the Constitution and this nightmare would be over. However, most legal experts feel that the Court is far more likely to overturn Roe on the basis that abortion is... a "states' rights" matter. That would be an unmitigated disaster for the unborn. We would almost immediately end up with a "patchwork quilt" of abortion laws in which a few states would prohibit abortion altogether, others would allow it in any circumstance, and the vast majority would take some sort of middle path. Given that state lines are freely crossed, this would leave every unborn baby in every state exposed to abortion. It could also guarantee that our great-grandchildren will still be fighting this battle a hundred years from now. when someone claims to be pro-life, he or she is saying that the unborn are persons. After all, there is no other basis upon which to justify the pro-life position. So in light of the Fifth and 14th Amendments, it would be preposterous for the pro-life movement to be working toward a situation where the right-to-life of the unborn is negotiated within the state legislatures. we must always be mindful that until America has a constitutional amendment that affirms the personhood of the unborn from the moment of fertilization, this battle cannot end the Personhood Movement is reminding us of that.

"So if we are ever to have fewer abortions, society must change again. The law will not accomplish that. However, that does not mean that the states shouldnt be allowed to write laws dealing with abortion. Very early pregnancies and victims of rape can be treated with the day after pill, which is nothing more than using birth control pills in a special manner. These very early pregnancies could never be policed, regardless. Such circumstances would be dealt with by each individual making his or her own moral choice." -Ron Paul, Liberty Defined

Ron Paul's legacy is apparent. When politicians run for mayor and they are asked about children being dismembered in the womb they reply that abortion is not a matter of city statute. When politicians run for governor they say abortion is a federal issue. When they run for president they say abortion is a state issue. They pass the buck. Ron Paul style. Paul is teaching a generation of politicians how to pass the buck regarding human rights and the slaughter of the innocent. When Paul makes his moral equivalence argument that just as Roe is invalid, "a federal law banning abortion across all 50 states would be equally invalid," he trivializes the slaughter of millions and shows he has been seduced by legal positivism which is moral relativism in government. Process does not trump principle. Yet Paul undermines the most fundamental moral principles when he claims that abortion is a states' rights issue. There is no right, anywhere, to decriminalize child killing. No constitution can bestow such a "right" and no one and no country nor political subdivision could ever in truth have the right to decriminalize killing children. Because human rights trump states' rights, Ron Paul should not give a false sense of security to a state which legitimizes genocide, suggesting that state should expect to operate free from forceful intervention. To illustrate Paul's bankrupt view of governance, he would have amended the Weimar Constitution to oppose a national ban on concentration camps, and he would have justified this by arguing that such a ban would have been just as invalid as the Holocaust. We urge obstetrician Dr. Ron Paul to humble himself before the greatest Physician, who conceived not only delivery, but reproduction itself. We pray that Paul will acknowledge that process does not trump principle, for no agreement among men could ever justify any part of America tolerating the intentional slaughter of innocent children in the States.

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