There are religion angles with a presidential run by Michigan Libertarian Justin Amash – GetReligion

Despite his anti-Trump credentials, thinks its unclear whether Amash woulddo more damage to Biden or Trump. Showing the potential for conservative support, theWashington Examiners Brad Polumbo championed Amash against what he sees as the incompetent, fundamentally indecent Trump and the frail, too-leftist Biden.

Amash is also free of the sexual misconduct accusations against the two major party candidates which they deny.

Religion reporters will note that Amash is one of only five Eastern Orthodox members of Congress. His Palestinian father and Syrian mother came to the U.S. as immigrants thanks to sponsorship by a pastor in Muskegon. He attended Grand Rapids Christian High School, where he met his wife Kara, later an alumna of the Christian Reformed Churchs Calvin University.

On the religiously contested abortion issue, Amashs pro-life stand agrees with Orthodox Church teaching, and the National Right to Life Committee gives him a 100 percent rating. That clashes with the Libertarians pro-choice platform, but Amash plans to emphasize banning of public funding, on which his new party agrees.

Amash holds a bachelors degree in economics and a law degree, both from the University of Michigan. He was an attorney for the familys industrial tool company and at a young age 28 won a state House of Representatives seat in 2008. Also winning that year was the legislatures first Muslim woman, also of Palestinian background, Detroits Democratic firebrand Rashida Tlaib.

Just two years later, Amash won his first U.S. House race, boosted by the Tea Party wave and Amways Richard and Betsy DeVos, and madeTimemagazines 40 under 40 list. Tlaib followed him into the U.S. House in 2018. A stalwart of the Republicans libertarian faction and a disciple of economist F.A. Hayek, Amash founded the House Liberty Caucus and backed Ron Paul for the 2012 presidential nomination.

Reporters will certainly quiz a Palestinian-American on policy toward Israel and the Mideast, since his party wants the U.S. to shun foreign entanglements. It would also be appropriate to ask just how a small-government conservative like Amash would handle the massive coronavirus crisis. FYI, click here for the pieces of legislation Amash has sponsored.

Note: The filing deadline for Amashs House district, at the heart of western Michigans Bible Belt, occurs tomorrow, May 8. Amash professed confidence hed win re-election as an Independent but his district is solidly Republican and went for Trump. Predecessors in this seat included future President Gerald Ford and the late Paul Henry, former Calvin professor and son of Christianity Todaymagazines founding editor Carl F. H. Henry.

Contacts: The Amash family attends St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church(also on Facebook) in the Grand Rapids suburb of Kentwood, led by the Very. Rev. Michael Nasser (616-954-2700). Amashs Washington office: 202) 226-3831. Grand Rapids office: 616-451-8383. Also see: and his congressional home page.

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There are religion angles with a presidential run by Michigan Libertarian Justin Amash - GetReligion

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