Political correctness has strangled policy | Letters – Sun Sentinel

In the London Bridge terror attack, seven were left dead and 48 wounded, according to reports. ISIS takes credit while the media speculates about home-grown terrorists and the Trump travel ban.

What is clear is that the West is playing defense because the declaration of war has come only from radical Muslims, while political correctness has strangled policy and rhetoric for fear that moderate Muslims might be offended. Can anyone imagine our 1940's population not using the word "Nazi" for fear of offending Germans?

The Brits have capitulated. Sharia law reigns and police tiptoe through neighborhoods populated by locals and foreigners whose origins are unknown and unquestioned. The same is true in Paris, Brussels and a dozen other key European cities. And those liberals in America who support political correctness want open borders and sanctuary cities. These are invitations to repeat the London attacks here.

Washington will feel differently when the late news features radical attacks whose victims include the relatives of our most liberal representatives. You can bet on that.

Richard Klitzberg, Boca Raton

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Political correctness has strangled policy | Letters - Sun Sentinel

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