Political correctness is curtailing free speech: Letters – LA Daily News

Political correctness is curtailing free speech

Re Does America have a free-speech problem? (Question of the Week, Feb. 27):

Yes, we are losing our ability to speak freely in public. It started with the politically correct movement on our college and university campuses.

To this day, I do not understand the people who objected to the naming of football teams after ethnic groups such as the American Indian. I always thought that the American Indian warrior was a very brave and furious warrior fighting for the right to live as and where he wished. To me, he is to be admired. The warriors on football teams must have felt the same way when their team was carrying the names that represented American Indians.

It used to be that discourse of differing ideas and ideologies was welcomed, especially on college and university campuses. How it seems that any differing ideas from the popular belief of the day are not to be allowed to be uttered in public or published.

The professor who told her students that Donald Trump is a good person was admonished for her beliefs. If she prefaced her statements with the statement that they were her opinions and opened the classroom up for discussion between the differing opinions, she should have been applauded and not punished, regardless of the subject she was supposed to teach.

Irving Leemon, Northridge

Its about how you say it

There is no free speech problem in America. A problem occurs only when people speak in a rude, violent or insulting manner.

Richard Metzger, Porter Ranch

How could they forget?

Re 2nd Oscars gaffe: Living woman pictured during In Memoriam (Feb. 27):

Its sad that certain deceased stars failed to make the cut for the Oscar memoriam segment. How about less time for parachuting candy and Jimmy Kimmel holding up kids?

Among the treasures of talent in the industry not mentioned: Gloria DeHaven, Alan Young, Robert Vaughn, Tammy Grimes, Rita Gam, Patricia Barry, Marvin Kaplan, Fritz Weaver, William Shallert, James Stacy, Robert Horton, Garry Shandling, Charmian Carr and Miguel Ferrer.

The 20-member Oscar committee that chooses those to be memorialized bring much pain to the heirs, families and friends of those left out. Disgraceful. They should be ashamed.

Wink Martindale, Calabasas


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Political correctness is curtailing free speech: Letters - LA Daily News

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