London a reminder that deadly political correctness perpetuates terrorism – The Hill (blog)

A toxic and deadly political correctness has enveloped Western Europe and enabled an unending wave of terrorist attacks. Refusing to utter the words radical Islamic extremism, opening the door to millions of half-vetted refugees and decrying the concepts of borders and assimilation have resulted in a culture in crisis a culture without democratic, freedom-loving identity and constantly under murderous attack from cancers within.

Seven dead in London. Twenty-two dead in Manchester. Twelve in Berlin. Eighty-seven in Nice. Forty-nine in Orlando. Thousands dead in the Middle East. All in the last year alone.

This is the reality we live in, and yet far too many have chosen to bury their heads in the sand of ignorance.

The fact that last Ramadan the Muslim holy month during which ISIS called for all-out war on infidels an Islamic terrorist attack occurred once every 84 hours. The fact that far-left Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted mistakes in admitting millions of refugees into her country. And the fact that 65 percent of all people convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related offenses in the U.S. were foreign-born, pointing to a clear, inextricable link between immigration and terrorism.

These are facts, in the face of which fictitious falsehoods are embraced.

To be sure, most immigrants are good and most Muslims are peaceful. But responsible leaders must nevertheless acknowledge the radical Islamic extremists that seek to cross our borders and kill our people.

America and Europe face a choice a choice between realism and idealism. While the American people chose the former on Nov. 8 in the election of Donald TrumpDonald TrumpGOP rep: Trumps tweeting very ill advised Arab nations risk gas insecurity over rift with Qatar After Saturdays attacks, the British election is more volatile than ever MORE, Europe and the establishment political classes in American society consistently choose the latter.

Angela Merkel chose idealism when she lectured President Trump at the NATO headquarters just over a week ago, saying it is not isolation and the building of walls that make us successful. The American courts have chosen idealism in striking down Trumps revised travel pause from seven countries where vetting proves impossible, despite the action being well within Trumps Article II powers. And Congress has chosen idealism in its refusal to allocate money for building a border wall along our southern border.

In stark contrast, President Trump has embraced realism full throttle. In addition to being maligned for his executive order on travel and his border wall, he was mocked by the severely out-of-touch chattering class for a slew of spot-on tweets in the aftermath of the London attacks, warning that [w]e must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. And he appropriately chastised London Mayor Sadiq Khan for suggesting there is no reason to be alarmed. This is the same London mayor who previously suggested that terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a big city.

Trumps realistic take was nevertheless shunned and rejected with flashy headlines.

"Donald Trumps ugly tweets on London are a step too far even for him," read the Telegraph.

Other headlines followed suit.

The Panic President.

Trump criticized for tweet on London mayor after bridge attacks.

We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don't get smart it will only get worse

At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!"

Meanwhile, the twisted truth is that the London mayor, not President Trump deserves criticism for his soft, idealistic approach to terrorism.

Prime Minister Theresa May, for her part, took a tough, self-critical tone in acknowledging that the United Kingdom has shown far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.

But the time for words is over. The time for action is now. The words of European leaders ring hollow, especially contrasted with the actions of a president willing to defy political correctness in protecting the American citizenry.

Realistic, bold, unwavering action is not just advisable, but indispensible to protecting the homeland. Its easy to dismiss terrorism and point to its rarity, until someone you know and love becomes a victim of it. Our children, our brothers, our sisters, our mothers, our fathers will perish in a world of idealism.

Kayleigh McEnany (@KayleighMcEnany)is a graduate of Harvard Law School. She completed her undergraduate degree at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and studied politics at Oxford University.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.

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London a reminder that deadly political correctness perpetuates terrorism - The Hill (blog)

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