Letter: Dems cannot beat Trump on issues | Opinions and Editorials – Aiken Standard

Democrats must realize they cannot beat Trump based on his achievements, but can only denigrate his presidency, so another political inquisition has been held. Leading candidates for the Democrats include the mentally slow and possibly corrupt Joe Biden and two socialists fighting about who can steal the most money from those who earned it.

Bidens staff has limited his non-scripted public appearances due to gaffes. Bidens sons companies received over $300 million from a corrupt Ukrainian energy company and a $1.5 billion loan from the Chinese for what?

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warrens economic policies will transform American competitive values into a socialist system that has failed or is failing in every instance it has been tried. Irony would be that any working American would support giving more of their money and power to our inefficient government while the people of Hong Kong, who are now living the perils of social communism, are fighting for capitalism and against increased government interference in their lives.

What have the Democrats done recently to improve your life? Democratic strategy is to push us apart by promoting divisiveness based on whatever issue they can stir up race, sex, environment, religion, political correctness, money, etc. Now it is a sin to be financially successful. Current Democratic candidates offer no solutions for improving Americas productivity and standing in our competitive world. Instead, they promote giveaways to buy votes using the money earned by hard-working Americans. You may dislike Trumps bluntness; but he is effectively implementing.

John Harley


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Letter: Dems cannot beat Trump on issues | Opinions and Editorials - Aiken Standard

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