UK Government seeks offshore wind support information – reNEWS

The UK Government isrequesting information from coastal landowners and developers with an interest in supporting UK offshore wind manufacturing.

Following Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement of160m to upgrade ports and factories for building turbines, it is seeking expressions of interest from potential large scale manufacturing portside hubs.

Sites with significant quayside capability, quay length and water depth, that are capable of accommodating heavy lifting vessels and wider supply vessels for multiple tenants, are urged to apply.

The Government is also looking for connected land for marshalling to support the build out of typically 2-3GW of offshore wind capacity per annum, including the potential for storage of products to bridge between manufacturing and installation cycles.

In addition, it is requesting sufficient land availability to support multiple manufacturers on the site, including enough flexibility to "future-proof" facilities for expansion.

This would be a minimum 200 ha or more area of development and storage land is needed behind the quay (not including land for transport and logistics movements around the port hub).

All projects should have a realistic chance of completing construction or being partly operational by 2023

Interested partiesshouldreply with information on their sites and potential projects to Friday 30 October.

This will lead to an initial stage of engagement, before a more formalised appraisal of any potential projects, the Department for Business, Energyand Industrial Strategy said.

The scheme aims to accelerate the development of large scale manufacturing portside hubs, which could see financial support to strengthen the UKs offshore wind manufacturing capability, creating employment and investment in both coastal communities and the wider supply chain.

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UK Government seeks offshore wind support information - reNEWS

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