There Will Be Press Freedom Under Prabowo's Leadership – Gerindra

JAKARTA, May 22 (Bernama) -- The Gerindra Party says presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto will guarantee the freedom of the press in Indonesia.

It is convinced that under his leadership, there will be no more restrictions on press freedom such as those seen during the New Order era.

"If Pak Prabowo is elected president, I'm sure that we would enjoy much more press freedom," Gerindra's patron council member, Martin Hutabarat was quoted as saying on Wednesday by Jakarta Post.

Martin said the press in Indonesia was currently forced into submission by Law No.40/1999 on the press and was heavily influenced by globalisation.

He said members of the House of Representatives needed to support the 1999 Press Law that came about at the beginning of the reformation era.

"The direction of press freedom in Indonesia has been determined by the House instead of the president. So what we have now is different from what happened in the New Order era," said Martin.

As a member of the House's Commission III, which oversees legal affairs, Martin said that in the context of globalisation, it would no longer be possible for Indonesia to put restrictions on the press.

Thus, he said, he was not sure that any president chosen in the upcoming election including Prabowo could send the Indonesian press back to its old ways.

"The main enemy of the press is not the president. It's likely that the president would be powerless in facing the press," said Martin.

He said it would likely be media investors and owners who would restrict press freedom.

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There Will Be Press Freedom Under Prabowo's Leadership - Gerindra

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