Don’t let them take our freedom | Letters To The Editor – Uniontown Herald Standard

It is sad what is going on in this country now, telling us what we can do and not do where we can go and where not to go. It is time for the people to step up and say enough is enough, cause if we let this go on they will keep trying to take control of are lives from now on.

The governor thinks he can say what business can be open and what business must close. Who is he to say who can work and who can't? People are trying to work to feed there family's and he stops them. It is time to cut his pay off. People are out of work but still must pay taxes to pay him and many state workers to sit at home with full pay to make a few phone calls. Their pay should be cut back, too.You lose your job, your pay is cut. Teachers' jobs are cut and get paid the same staying home, not fair to tax payers. Do they think they are better then we are.

We are only to have so many people at a get together, but the protesters can have as many as the want. They want you to wear a face mask at all times. Is that really doing any good? How is your body going to build an immune system to something walking around with your face covered up? It will soon do more harm then good.

It is time for the people to use there freedom do what they want when they want. That is what many men and women in the service died for so we could have that freedom. Do not let them turn this country into a socialist country. God bless you all and keep fighting for are freedom.

Larry Blackson, USMC, Vietnam Vet


Don't let them take our freedom | Letters To The Editor - Uniontown Herald Standard

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