Brian L. Weiss, MD

As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from the space between lives, which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weisss family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.

photo credit: Harpo, Inc. George Burns

The Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday airedJune 2featuring Oprah & Dr. Brian Weiss: Reincarnation, Past Lives and Miracles on OWN. Groundbreaking psychiatrist and best-selling author of Many Lives, Many Masters Dr. Brian Weiss tells Oprah of how he came to practice past life regression therapy.

Click here to watch clips from the episode.

In their revolutionary book, Miracles Happen, Brian L. Weiss, MD, and his daughter, Amy, examine the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept and embrace the reality of reincarnation. A leader in the field of past-life therapy, Dr. Weiss has helped thousands connect with their past lives and experience tremendous healing. In Miracles Happen, he and Amy share these remarkable real-life stories to reveal how past-life regression holds the keys to our spiritual purpose. Read More

You are not here by accident or by some coincidence of nature. You are a spiritual being learning lessons of love in this earth school.

Click here to watch the video

Dr. Weiss interviewed by Bob Olson on AfterLifeTV.

Click here to watch the interview.

New York Times article about Dr. Weiss and Past Life Therapy.

Click here to read the article.

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Brian L. Weiss, MD

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