NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #625 21 November 2014

Please note that the next issue of SPACELINE Current Awareness will be released December 5. Papers deriving from NASA support: 1 Ade CJ, Broxterman RM, Barstow TJ. VO2max and microgravity exposure: Convective versus diffusive O2 transport. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print] Review. (PI: T.J. Barstow) Journal Impact Factor:4.459 Funding:This study was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) research grant NNX10AK60G awarded to T.J. Barstow. R.M. Broxterman was supported by NASA EPSCOR grant KS-NNX11AM05A. 2 Billings PC, Sanzari JK, Kennedy AR, Cengel KA, Seykora JT. Comparative analysis of colorimetric staining in skin using open-source software. Exp Dermatol. 2014 Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print] (PI: A.R. Kennedy) Journal Impact Factor:4.115 Funding:This study was supported by NIAMS grant P30-AR057217 and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) through NASA NCC 9-58. 3 Stanton IN, Belley MD, Nguyen G, Rodrigues A, Li Y, Kirsch DG, Yoshizumi TT, Therien MJ. Europium- and lithium-doped yttrium oxide nanocrystals that provide a linear emissive response with X-ray radiation exposure. (PI: D.G. Kirsch/NSCOR) Journal Impact Factor:6.739 Funding:This study was supported in part by grants from the Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Academic Research Initiative (NSF-ECCS-11-40037), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNX11AC60G), the U.S. NRC Health Physics Fellowship (NRC-HQ-12-G-38-0022), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (5U19AI067798). 4 Menezes AA, Cumbers J, Hogan JA, Arkin AP. Towards synthetic biological approaches to resource utilization on space missions. J R Soc Interface. 2015 Jan 6;12(102). pii: 20140715. Review. Note:From the Introduction: The work reviews existing biological processes to demonstrate that they already constitute a competitive yet non-traditional technology that is capable of processing volatiles and waste resources readily available on two representative space missions in a way that reduces the launch mass of propellant, food and raw material for three-dimensional printing, and also overcomes the decreased product shelf-life of a common therapeutic [drug]. The article, which may be obtained online without charge, is featured on the journal cover at Journal Impact Factor:3.856 Funding:We appreciate the funding provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the University of California, Santa Cruz, University Affiliated Research Centers Aligned Research Programme: NAS2-03144 Task TO.030.14.MD.D. J.A. Hogan is at NASA Ames Research Center. 5 Schneider CJ, Cuntz H, Soltesz I. Linking macroscopic with microscopic neuroanatomy using synthetic neuronal populations. PLoS Comput Biol. 2014 Oct 23;10(10):e1003921. (PI: G.R. Nelson/I. Soltesz/NSCOR) Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. Journal Impact Factor:4.829 Funding:This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 01GQ1406 to HC (, National Institutes of Health NS35915 to IS (, National Science Foundation IOS-1310378 to IS (, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NNX10AD59G to IS ( 6 Nelson ES, Mulugeta L, Myers JG. Microgravity-induced fluid shift and ophthalmic changes. Life (Basel). 2014 Nov 7;4(4):621-65. Review. (PI: C. Ethier) Note:The review discusses ISS, STS, Skylab, and Mir results. This article may be obtained online without charge. Journal Impact Factor:Not available for this journal. Funding:The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Human Research Program at NASA through the Digital Astronaut Project and through NRA NNX13AP91G, led by Prof. C. Ross Ethier, Georgia Institute of Technology. 7 Vandenbrink JP, Kiss JZ, Herranz R, Medina FJ. Light and gravity signals synergize in modulating plant development. Front Plant Sci. 2014 Oct 28;5:563. Review. (PI: J.Z. Kiss) Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. Journal Impact Factor:3.637 Funding:Financial support was provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through grants NNX10AM86G and NNX12AO65G to John Z. Kiss. Financial support to F. Javier Medina and Raul Herranz was provided by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigacin Cientfica, Desarrollo Tecnolgico e Innovacin Grant Ref. No. AYA2012-33982, and by European Space Agency, Program Access to Ground Based Facilities, Grants Ref. Nos. 4200022650 and 4000105761. The November issue of theJournal of Womens Healthcontains a special collection of articles about the effects of sex and gender on adaptation to space. From the Executive Summary abstract: This review article is a compendium of six individual manuscripts, a Commentary, and an Executive Summary. This body of work is entitled The Impact of Sex and Gender on Adaptation to Space and was developed in response to a recommendation from the 2011 National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey, Recapturing a Future for Space Exploration: Life and Physical Sciences for a New Era, which emphasized the need to fully understand sex and gender differences in spacesix workgroups investigated and summarized the current body of published and unpublished human and animal research performed to date related to sex- and gender-based differences in the areas of cardiovascular, immunological, sensorimotor, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and behavioral adaptations to human spaceflight. Each workgroup consisted of scientists and clinicians from academia, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other federal agencies and was co-chaired by one representative from NASA and one from the external scientific communityThe groups identified certain sex-related differences that impact the risks and the optimal medical care required by space-faring women and men. The articles in this special section are Open Access and available free of charge at the publishers website: 8 Mark S, Scott GB, Donoviel DB, Leveton LB, Mahoney E, Charles JB, Siegel B. The impact of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Executive summary. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):941-7. Journal Impact Factor:1.896 Funding:G.B.I.S. and D.B.D. are grateful for the support provided by NSBRI through NASA Cooperative Agreement NCC 9-58. B.S., E.M., and S.M. are grateful for the support provided by the NASA Advanced Exploration Systems Division. L.B.L. and J.B.C. are grateful for the support provided by the NASA Johnson Space Center Human Research Program and the Division of Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences Division. 9 Mark S. The impact of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Commentary. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):948-9. 10 Platts SH, Bairey Merz CN, Barr Y, Fu Q, Gulati M, Hughson R, Levine BD, Mehran R, Stachenfeld N, Wenger NK. Effects of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Cardiovascular alterations. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):950-5. Review. 11 Kennedy AR, Crucian B, Huff JL, Klein SL, Morens D, Murasko D, Nickerson CA, Sonnenfeld G. Effects of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Immune system. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):956-8. Review. 12 Reschke MF, Cohen HS, Cerisano JM, Clayton JA, Cromwell R, Danielson RW, Hwang EY, Tingen C, Allen JR, Tomko DL. Effects of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Neurosensory systems. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):959-62. Review. 13 Ploutz-Snyder L, Bloomfield S, Smith SM, Hunter SK, Templeton K, Bemben D. Effects of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Musculoskeletal health. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):963-6. Review. 14 Ronca AE, Baker ES, Bavendam TG, Beck KD, Miller VM, Tash JS, Jenkins M. Effects of sex and gender on adaptations to space: Reproductive health. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):967-74. Review. 15 Goel N, Bale TL, Epperson CN, Kornstein SG, Leon GR, Palinkas LA, Stuster JW, Dinges DF. Effects of sex and gender on adaptation to space: Behavioral health. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Nov;23(11):975-86. Epub 2014 Sep 26. Review. Note:Originally appeared in Current Awareness List # 618 on October 3, 2014. _________________________________________________________________________ Other papers of interest: 1 Koy T, Zange J, Rittweger J, Pohle-Frhlich R, Hackenbroch M, Eysel P, Ganse B. Assessment of lumbar intervertebral disc glycosaminoglycan content by gadolinium-enhanced MRI before and after 21-days of head-down-tilt bedrest. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 7;9(11):e112104. Note:Bed rest study. This article may be obtained online without charge. 2 Boonstra R, Mo K, Monks DA. Managing anabolic steroids in pre-hibernating Arctic ground squirrels: Obtaining their benefits and avoiding their costs. Biol Lett. 2014 Nov;10(11). pii: 20140734. 3 Randsoe T, Meehan CF, Broholm H, Hyldegaard O. Effect of nitric oxide on spinal evoked potentials and survival rate in rats with decompression sickness. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2014 Nov 6:jap.00260.2014. [Epub ahead of print] 4 Yamamoto N, Otsuka K, Kubo Y, Hayashi M, Mizuno K, Ohshima H, Mukai C. Effects of long-term microgravity exposure in space on circadian rhythms of heart rate variability. Chronobiol Int. 2014 Nov 13:1-14. [Epub ahead of print] Note:ISS results. 5 Naumenko VS, Kulikov AV, Kondaurova EM, Tsybko AS, Kulikova EA, Krasnov IB, Shenkman BS, Sychev VN, Bazhenova EY, Sinyakova NA, Popova NK. Effect of actual long-term spaceflight on BDNF, TrkB, p75, BAX and BCL-XL gene expression in mouse brain regions. Note:Bion-M1 results. 6 Soodan KS, Priyadarshni P, Singh JP. Aeronautic dentistry: An upcoming branch. Int J Stomatol Occlusion Med. 2014 Oct 30. [Article in Press] Review. Note:Bed rest studies and results from STS-65 are discussed. 7 Hoff P, Belav DL, Huscher D, Lang A, Hahne M, Kuhlmey AK, Maschmeyer P, Armbrecht G, Fitzner R, Perschel FH, Gaber T, Burmester GR, Straub RH, Felsenberg D, Buttgereit F. Effects of 60-day bed rest with and without exercise on cellular and humoral immunological parameters. Cell Mol Immunol. 2014 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print] Note:Bed rest study. 8 Qureshi KM, Lee J, Paget MB, Bailey CJ, Curnow SJ, Murray HE, Downing R. Low gravity rotational culture and the integration of immunomodulatory stem cells reduce human islet allo-reactivity. Clin Transplant. 2014 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print] Note:A 3-D rotational cell culture system (RCCS) was used. 9 Fitts RH, Peters JR, Dillon EL, Durham WJ, Sheffield-Moore M, Urban RJ. Weekly versus monthly testosterone administration on fast and slow skeletal muscle fibers in older adult males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Nov 11:jc20142759. [Epub ahead of print] Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. 10 Lescale C, Schenten V, Djeghloul D, Bennabi M, Gaignier F, Vandamme K, Strazielle C, Kuzniak I, Petite H, Dosquet C, Frippiat JP, Goodhardt M. Hind limb unloading, a model of spaceflight conditions, leads to decreased B lymphopoiesis similar to aging. FASEB J. 2014 Nov 5. pii: fj.14-259770. [Epub ahead of print] Note:Hindlimb unloading study. 11 Belley MD, Wang C, Nguyen G, Gunasingha R, Chao NJ, Chen BJ, Dewhirst MW, Yoshizumi TT. Toward an organ based dose prescription method for the improved accuracy of murine dose in orthovoltage x-ray irradiators. Med Phys. 2014 Mar;41(3):034101. 12 Mairani A, Bhlen TT, Dokic I, Cabal G, Brons S, Haberer TH. In response to the Comments to the paper "Modelling of cell killing due to sparsely ionizing radiation in normoxic and hypoxic conditions and an extension to high LET radiation" by T. Friedrich et al. Int J Radiat Biol. 2014 Nov 7:1-6. [Epub ahead of print] Note:The Comment appeared in Int J Radiat Biol. 2014 Aug 13:1-5. [Epub ahead of print] The original Mairani paper appeared in SPACELINE Current Awareness List #584 on May 10, 2013 and is available at The Friedrich paper appeared in SPACELINE Current Awareness List #574 on November 30, 2012 and is available at 13 Vidyasagar P, Jagtap SS, Dixit JP, Kamble SM, Dhepe AP. Effects of short-term hypergravity exposure on germination, growth and photosynthesis ofTriticum aestivimL. Microgravity Sci Technol. 2014 Nov 1. [Article in Press] Note:Centrifugation was used for hypergravity. 14 Meroz Y, Bastien R. Stochastic processes in gravitropism. Front Plant Sci. 2014;5:647. Review. Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. 15 Steward AJ, Kelly DJ. Mechanical regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. J Anat. 2014 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print] Review. Note:This article may be obtained online without charge. 16 Carrillo-Esper R. Medicina espacial[Space medicine]. Cir Cir. 2014 Nov-Dec;82(6):591-3. Spanish. Note:The author announces a new program in space medicine established by the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Mexican Academy of Surgery and the National Academy of Medicine in conjunction with Space Agency Mexicana (Agencia Espacial Mexicana). Partnerships with NASA and ESA are anticipated.

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NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #625 21 November 2014

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