What is a Supercomputer? (with pictures) – wiseGEEK

anon180870 Post 16

A monitor could be input or output. Nowadays, it could be input in the form of touch screen.

@anon55391: to make it easier to understand. input is when you do something to get something (output) like talking in the microphone (input) to produce sound in the speakers(output) typing in the keyboard(input) where you see the result in the monitor(output). it really depends on the function of the device.

another example is you scan the pictures through a scanner (input) to view in the monitor(output) or print it using the printer (output).

China has built the world's fastest super computer: "Tianhe-1A." It has 1.4 times the horsepower of the current top computer "Cray Jaguar", which is at a national laboratory in Tennessee, US. And, it is 30 percent faster than the US super computer.

the keyboard is the input device and the monitor is the output device.

input means that gives instructions by us i.e., keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc.

output means that we get results, like listening to music, monitor that displays our inputs, etc.

tell me all about computer input and output devices.

See the original post:

What is a Supercomputer? (with pictures) - wiseGEEK

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