North Branford 4th-Grader’s Bright Idea Heads to National ‘Invention Convention’ –

Quinn Cook, a fourth grader from Totoket Valley Elementary School (TVES), will be representing North Branford at the Invention Convention 2020 U.S. Nationals presented by Raytheon Technologies.

This prestigious event was scheduled to be held at the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan, but will now be held online. Quinn is joining an elite delegation of inventors representing our state. He received his special invitation after advancing through the judging process at the Connecticut Invention Convention with distinction.

Quinn invented The Tent Finder, a ground mat that lights up through remote control: "It's night. It's dark. And you have to use the bathroom. Made with LED lights for low heat and set to red, The Tent Finder will guide you back to your tent without leading the mosquitoes to you."

Quinn explained that LED does not emit much heat and that red is the farthest color away from the ultraviolet and the visible light spectrum thereby reducing the amount of bugs around your tent. Out of nearly 10,000 Kindergarten-Grade 12 students from across the state who competed locally, approximately 600 finalists participated in this year's state finals. From those finalists, 107 inventors were selected to present their ideas at the upcoming national forum.

Nine other TVES students were chosen to represent North Branford at the 2020 Connecticut Invention Convention (CIC).

Although this year's event was hosted virtually due the COVID-19 pandemic, talented students from across the state showcased their ideas and presentations for judging and corporate awards. Results from the state competition will be available on the CIC website in June, visit;

Inspired by his great-grandmother, TVES student Louie DeFelice invented the Pill Pal, an automatic pill dispenser that reminds people to take daily medications and releases pills at the correct time. Cole Minnocci created the Air Quality Sensor, a device that children around the world can wear to detect poor air quality. Lilah Gambardella created the Zipper Whipper 2000, an insert that prevents material from getting caught in a zipper during use. Donato Cappetta was selected for his Sand Elimination design. The invention uses a yoga mat with pool noodles as a barrier to keep sand off towels and other beach items. Antonio Pearson developed The Cleat Clapper, a repurposed cleat equipped with a brush and wooden handle that allows athletes to clean muddy spikes before stepping into cars or homes.Addy Wyatt was recognized for her Speedy Drying Scrunchie, a hair tie that uses a quick drying material to avoid those annoying times when a wet Scrunchie drips down your back. Shelby Chittenden created the Shelby Shoe Sav'r which incorporates the use of a brake on a skateboard so riders don't ruin shoes. Ellie Budd invented The Reach, a tool with various removable attachments that can be used for cleaning and doing everyday tasks, and Ryan Sickenger developed the Sip Saver which catches hot liquids when they drip from a cup preventing people from getting burned.

The state Invention Convention, traditionally held in Storrs, is the culmination of a year-long learning program designed to develop, encourage, and enhance students' critical thinking skills through invention. The CIC process follows all the steps involved in inventing a product and bringing it to market. The students define a solution to an everyday problem, design and build a prototype, research the market for similar products to prove originality, track their progress in written inventor's logs, and document everything in a detailed display board. Winners from each school are selected by a team of judges.

TVES has a long-standing history of participation in this event. In 2015, the school was honored as a "School of Distinction" for creating the inventors and innovators of tomorrow.


North Branford 4th-Grader's Bright Idea Heads to National 'Invention Convention' -

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