Harry Potter: 10 Things About Ron Weasley The Movies Deliberately Changed – Screen Rant

The Ron Weasley in the books versus the Ron Weasley in the movies is quite different in many ways. While there are many similarities between both versions of the Harry Potter character, fans have noted that many things about Rons personality were changed for the movies. While, of course, some moments and scenes cant be translated from book to screen or need to be cut out for time, many feel that Rons characterization was changed too much. They feel he didnt really completely get his due compared to Harry and Hermione because of these changes.

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Here are ten things about Ron Weasley that the movies deliberately changed.

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One of the saddest things about all the changes made to Ron as a character is how it makes him almost pointless in the plot. So many of Rons big moments and his importance as a member of the trio dont translate onto the screen. It often feels like Ron doesnt even need to be there as so many of the important things that happen are based around Harry or Hermione. Ron often gets less important screen time, so he can come off more as a side character.

While Ron is portrayed in the movies as Harry's best friend, the importance of this isn't really touched on. Ron and Harry are very close in the books, and their friendship is essential to Harry.

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They hang out together and have similar hobbies. Hermione is also a best friend, but they have a different bond. In the movies, it comes off like Hermione is much closer to Harry than Ron.

Because the movies dont have as much time to tell a story, they cant go into as much detail. So, while Rons family is around in the movies, the importance they have to Ron as a character isnt as focused on. Rons family is the cause of many of his deepest insecurities while also being extremely important to him. This aspect of his character isnt really explored that much in the movies likely because of time reasons.

In the books, its clear that Hermione and Ron both play vital roles in Harrys life. Harry needs them both, and they both have individual ways in which they said Harry in his journey as the Chosen One.

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Ron often provides somewhat of a grounding and calming presence when Harry is more dramatic or Hermione is more emotional. He sometimes provides common sense, and this isnt shown in the books. One example is when he helps Hermione remember to do magic when the Devils Snare has them.

One of the other important ways that Ron functions as an important member of the trio is how he is the voice of knowledge about the wizarding world. In Harry Potter, there are a lot of cultural things that Harry and Hermione dont understand as they were raised by Muggles. Ron is able to provide this insight and knowledge since he was raised in the wizarding community. This knowledge is actually quite important to Harry many times.

In the books, Ron is overall a very loyal and caring friend. While he has his moments of insecurity, its clear that he does care deeply about his friends. They didnt showcase this near as often in the movies.

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For example, at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, Ron is willing to die to save Harry and Hermione while in thefilms he cowers in the corner while Hermione defends Harry.

In the books, Ron is also quite a funny character. He makes a lot of jokes and is clearly a character with a good sense of humor. But, in the movies, instead of making him humorous, they tend to make them more the butt of the joke.

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Hes often used more as comic relief not because hes funny but because he comes across goofier. This is a shame because it really takes away from who Ron is. His sense of humor is an important part of his character, but he shouldnt be of the joke.

Ron might not be the smartest of the trio as far as grades go, but then again its also hard to compete with Hermione when shes so smart. But, Ron isnt an incompetent person. Hes probably mostly average overall as a wizard, but he isnt below average by any means. In many classes, he and Harry do equally as well at magic. But, in the movies, it comes across like Harry is extremely gifted at all kinds of magic while Ron is kind of subpar. This really makes it seem like hes more useful and incompetent than he really is.

One thing that many fans are frustrated about in the movies is that Ron doesnt really get a chance to shine. In the books, both Hermione and Ron have moments where they are the heroes as well as times when they are more flawed. But, in the movies, Hermione is often made out to be this perfect heroine while Iron is a bit of a dunce. This means that some of Rons best moments and lines are given to Hermione at Rons expense. This is a shame because overall it makes them both less interesting as characters.

This is a more minor change because it only has to deal with physical appearance, but it is one of the most obvious changes to spot. In the books, its talked about many times that the Weasleys are all red-heads with freckles. In the movies, however, Ron has red hair but not the freckles. This isnt a big deal, but it does seem like something that could have been added. However, it probably wasnt worth the effort of the continuity it would take to keep the freckles the same.

NEXT:Harry Potter: 10 Appearance Changes Between The Book Characters To The Movies

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Harry Potter: 10 Things About Ron Weasley The Movies Deliberately Changed - Screen Rant

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